Wolf Depredation In Grand County, CO

I won't name names, but I've heard a bunch of Wyo folk who say if they see a CO tagged wolf, they won't have a problem shooting it.

I've also been encouraged by other Colorado hunters I won't associate with anymore, that "we should all just shoot the ones we see, and pocket the casings". "Shoot it and Shut up", the last guy said.

This whole thing is breeding worse hunters, and conservation is 1000% not the winner in any situation where folks feel like they are entitled to cowboy diplomacy.

I only started hunting recently, and I have no real agenda other than, I don't want to lose access to hunting rights or public land access. I'd like to have a little success in the woods before it is stripped away from me before I even begin.

I can only hope that as soon as a Colorado wolf steps foot in Wyoming it’s shot in the face…….and that a pack of wolves eventually makes it’s way into Estes Park and rips apart a whole herd of elk in the front lawn of the Stanley hotel.
What’s wrong with Wyoming folks shooting them?

They have a year round wolf season and it’s perfectly legal for them to shoot wolves in Wyoming. I would hope everyone up there would shoot one if given the chance.
Didn't say there was a problem for the Wyoming guys to take advantage of their seasons/lack of restrictions.

Just seems like a hot subject no matter what state you are in, and I find it counter-productive for other hunters to encourage poaching and law-breaking activities because they disagree with reintroduction.

I didn't want reintroduction, but I'm not about to become a poacher just because I'm mad about it.
So by saying its not one of the “introduced” wolves, you are telling me there are a bunch of other wolves already in the state and prop 114 was a giant fraud…
There have been wolves in Colorado from Wyoming, as well as from New Mexico for years.... The ones in NW Colorado follow elk, and probably flourished during the winter kills last winter. The ones in SW Colorado have been worse the past few years. Lions are thick there (and elsewhere) too.

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Anyone have that scene from “Full Metal Jacket” in their head! ”You eat it, they’re paying for it”

Holy Jesus……….what is that…. What the “F” is that??? What is that CPW??? Sir an introduced wolf sir……An introduced wolf?? Sir yes sir!! How did it get here?? Sir we got them Washington State Sir!! Are wolves aloud on the CO landscape CPW?? Sir no sir!! Are you allowed to just dump them wherever you please?? Sir no sir!! Who pays the CPWs bill CPW??? Sir I forgot sir…..you forgot ??? Sir yes sir!! How about people dressed in orange that spend millions each year…..Sir yes sir!! And why aren’t we able to shoot them CPW? Because we’re an overinflated, animal rights infiltrated run agency sir…… Because you are a disgusting overinflated woke fatbody agency CPW….Sir yes sir!! And why did the CPW hide the locations of the release sites??? Sir I don’t know sir!! Because you don’t know………..

The CPW has dishonored themselves, and the public…..I’ve have tried to help them, but I have failed, I have failed because you….have not helped me…..you people have not given the CPW the proper motivation…..so… from now on, when ever a wolf fucs up, and eats a calf……I will not punish the CPW, I will punish the wolf…….and the way I see it ladies….you owe me for one calf…….now get behind those rifles……...either way, we’re paying for it….. just shoot it!
Anyone have that scene from “Full Metal Jacket” in their head! ”You eat it, they’re paying for it”

Holy Jesus……….what is that…. What the “F” is that??? What is that CPW??? Sir an introduced wolf sir……An introduced wolf?? Sir yes sir!! How did it get here?? Sir we got them Washington State Sir!! Are wolves aloud on the CO landscape CPW?? Sir no sir!! Are you allowed to just dump them wherever you please?? Sir no sir!! Who pays the CPWs bill CPW??? Sir I forgot sir…..you forgot ??? Sir yes sir!! How about people dressed in orange that spend millions each year…..Sir yes sir!! And why aren’t we able to shoot them CPW? Because we’re an overinflated, animal rights infiltrated run agency sir…… Because you are a disgusting overinflated woke fatbody agency CPW….Sir yes sir!! And why did the CPW hide the locations of the release sites??? Sir I don’t know sir!! Because you don’t know………..

The CPW has dishonored themselves, and the public…..I’ve have tried to help them, but I have failed, I have failed because you….have not helped me…..you people have not given the CPW the proper motivation…..so… from now on, when ever a wolf fucs up, and eats a calf……I will not punish the CPW, I will punish the wolf…….and the way I see it ladies….you owe me for one calf…….now get behind those rifles……...either way, we’re paying for it….. just shoot it!
lol, Billions with a b. CPW reported that over $3 BILLION with a B folks, comes from hunters and anglers buying tags and licenses in Colorado.

I'd like to see the Anti-hunting community donate that amount of money into any source of wildlife before they even have a say in what the **** happens in the woods. North American Conservation Model has worked properly, and brought back endangered species for years, no reason to fix what is not broken.
Holy Jesus……….what is that…. What the “F” is that??? What is that CPW??? Sir an introduced wolf sir……

Replace CPW with "Frontranger" and it's spot on.

I love how none of the articles address that the wolk killed it and left it. I mean, even if the mother got pissed and chased it off.

"Predators only kill what they need." Why nobody is mentioning that hypocrisy that is BS.
Replace CPW with "Frontranger" and it's spot on.

I love how none of the articles address that the wolk killed it and left it. I mean, even if the mother got pissed and chased it off.

"Predators only kill what they need." Why nobody is mentioning that hypocrisy that is BS.
#training #wolffit
It was an introduced wolf... The kill site is literally between the two main introduction sites.
Replace CPW with "Frontranger" and it's spot on.

I love how none of the articles address that the wolk killed it and left it. I mean, even if the mother got pissed and chased it off.

"Predators only kill what they need." Why nobody is mentioning that hypocrisy that is BS.

Front R'ers tend to view wildlife through a human perspective; that somehow wolf are sentient beings capable of rational decision making instead of "fresh meat now".

They only kill weak and old of the herd was a lie. They are for ecosystem health was a lie. They improve herd health was a lie.

All lies parroted by the ignorant that don't read actual studies and follow "Trust the Science (TM)"
Feel sorry for any loss to the ranchers and the stress to their livestock that the wolves have created. I am pretty familiar with the mapped area having spent 20 years in that part of Colorado. The real impact is going to be to the moose. While fortunately, the ranchers will hopefully receive adequate compensation. There is no replacing the dead moose, once they are gone you just can’t order more moose. There will only be remnant populations left in the areas the Division of Wildlife -Parks did such a commendable job rebuilding the Moose population over the past 75 years. Not allowing a wolf management plan the uninformed liberals in Colorado have opened the door to destroying the Colorado moose population one of the most successful wildlife stories in Colorado’s history. I saw how the wolves decimated the moose population around Big Sky down into West Yellowstone . I am all for a few managed pack of wolves but allowing the packs to grow randomly with zero management makes so little sense , and will just create disasters to some vulnerable wildlife populations that have had extensive management in the past decades.
Feel sorry for any loss to the ranchers and the stress to their livestock that the wolves have created. I am pretty familiar with the mapped area having spent 20 years in that part of Colorado. The real impact is going to be to the moose. While fortunately, the ranchers will hopefully receive adequate compensation. There is no replacing the dead moose, once they are gone you just can’t order more moose. There will only be remnant populations left in the areas the Division of Wildlife -Parks did such a commendable job rebuilding the Moose population over the past 75 years. Not allowing a wolf management plan the uninformed liberals in Colorado have opened the door to destroying the Colorado moose population one of the most successful wildlife stories in Colorado’s history. I saw how the wolves decimated the moose population around Big Sky down into West Yellowstone . I am all for a few managed pack of wolves but allowing the packs to grow randomly with zero management makes so little sense , and will just create disasters to some vulnerable wildlife populations that have had extensive management in the past decades.
Yup, hoping they have not caught onto the Moose population in the valley yet. I finally have the points to draw that tag and I will be watching them closely this summer.