
Front Squats: 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 Working towards a 1 rep max

8 Min AMRAP:

10 x Shuttle Sprints, 30'

15 x Jumping Alternating Lunges
am- 200 yards lunges and 4x50 air squats

pm-2.5 mile run for Tiny and I- we went a little faster and cut the run a little shorter due to a blinding snowstorm
5:00 AMRAP
21 KBS 53#
21 Front squats 115#
15 cal assault bike
15 KBS
15 Front squats
10 cal assault bike
9 front squats
5 cal assault bike
Start over if you finish this in 5 min (good luck with that)

5:00 rest

5:00 AMRAP
Repeat the above except front squat weight drops to 95#
Strictt press , work to 90% of 1 rep for 2x3

For time
20 power snatches #115
20 bar facing burpee
20 overhead squats #115
20 bar facing burpee
20 power clean #115

Superset x3
10 dips
5 bb row
12 plate raise

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Tiny Elvis and I got 3 miles in this evening- a balmy 14 degrees and 6" of fresh snow; we'd have to rub up against the sun for a couple of days to not have a white Christmas
6 Minute AMRAP

50 x Double-unders
3 x Ring Muscle-ups

2 Minute Rest

6 Minute AMRAP

6 x Power Cleans 135 lbs

100M Run
4 miles on the snow filled trails (~6") this evening with my wife and Tiny Elvis- chilly- mid teens, but no wind whatsoever, so actually pretty nice

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Work to 1x3 rep max split jerk off the rack. 3 sec hold in catch position

every 90 sec for 15 min (10rds)
Score is HSPU reps
100 m sprint
7 dead lifts #185
Hspu max reps

Superset x 3
45 sec bilateral farmer carry
5 good mornings
30 med ball twists

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Back squats work 80% of 1 rep max for 2x3

12 min amrap
10 db lunges #50 db’s
8 situps
6 s2oh #50 db’s
4 db box step overs #50 db’s

1 mile run w/humanx vest #20

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I broke through the 1900 mile mark today with the help of Tiny Elvis! 4.5 miles on a sunny, but single digit day- Tiny E is sporting his new down jacket :D


2.5 miles with my wife, grandkids and Tiny Elvis- chilly at 8 degrees

Merry Christmas everyone!
2 chilly miles with Tiny E early this morning; strength train when I got back home- deadlifts 3x5, overhead press 3x5, chinups 3x12, dips 3x25, core
5.5 miles in some very cold conditions- single digits is very nearing my threshold for running outside
Tempo Deadlifts, 3 seconds down, 1 second up

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes/4 rounds

20 calorie row

20 Jumping Squats

10 Box Jumps, 24"
Find max of 3 position squat clean
High hang, hang and squat clean without putting the bar on the ground

3 rounds
15 chest to bar pull ups
12 lateral over bar burpees
9 squat cleans 135#
well you know it's been cold when 14 feels pretty decent :D 5.5 miles on snow filled trails

if you're wondering about Tiny E, he has been going earlier in the day with my wife- she has the week off