
3 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny E- about 6" of fresh snow on the mountain- Tiny looked like a pine marten running through the stuff :)
4.5 miles with Tiny Elvis- crisp, but pretty evening

For Time:

1000 M Row

25 Toes-to-Bar

15 Deadlift, 255 lbs

750 M Row

20 Toes-to-Bar

10 Deadlift, 255 lbs

500M Row

15 Toes-to-Bar

5 Deadlift, 255 lbs
got off work early today, grabbed Tiny E and we got 7.5 tough miles in (fair bit of postholing through wind drifted snow on the ridge)- beautiful day though- mid 30's and sunshine

Tabata style today

20s work 10s rest 8 rounds, complete all 8 rounds before moving
KBS 53#
Assault bike
Sit ups
10m shuttle sprints
Nancy doesn't sound nice at all :D

hit the gym this evening- squats 3x5, deads 3x5, chinups 3x10, dips 3x25, core
ran with the local ultra running group- always a humbling experience :D about ten folks showed up, most of them have multiple (some dozens) 100 mile races under their belts- Hard Rock, Western States, UTMB, etc: seasoned ultra runners

13 miles with about 2700' of gain and 4-6" of snow, makes for a pretty good tough run
3.5 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny Elvis. Ran into a knothead dog that was following (actually leading) an evidently knothead gal on a fat tire bike; we got off the trail to let them by- the dog comes running up growling and hackled up, Tiny E is on a leash and behind me- the dog got close enough I kneed him in the chest, hard! The girl appeared to be oblivious to the whole thing, wanted to knock her ass off the bike!
400M Run

40 American KB Swings, 53 lbs

400M Run

40 Hip Extensions, GHD Machine

400M Run

40 Sit-ups w/ 45 lb plate, press out plate at the top of each rep

400M Run

40 Wall balls 20 lb/10'
dude- 1/4 mile sprints suck, especially multiple ones with exercises in between :D

where’s PJG? haven’t seen him here in awhile- hope all is well
Back Squat: 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7

2 Rounds For Time:

500M Row

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 75 lbs

15 Pull-ups
Work to heavy set of 3 OH squats

For time

20 Power snatch 95#
20 lateral over bar burpees
20 OH squats 95#
20 lateral over bar burpees
20 Squat snatch 95#

I don't do the OH stuff, hurts my shoulder. I substituted power cleans, hanging clean and jerk, squat cleans
a nice 5.5 miles on the trails- my wife got off from work early and had already taken Tiny out (4 miles for them), so I got to run :D
4 Sets: 1 x Power Clean + Front Squat + Squat Clean + Split Jerk (with 2 second pause on jerk)

4 Sets: 3 x Hang Snatch High Pulls, Flat Footed

5 sets: 2 x 80% Front Squats
Every 4 min for 5 rounds
30 air squats
20 cal row
7 clean and jerk 115#

Rest when you are done until 4 mins is up
If you are reasonably fit you should finish each round in under 2:30
Really fit under 2:00
Should go all out every round and try to get lowest time possible every round