
Yep, the hero WODS are humbling. Pretty cool thing that crossfit does.

I don't do a lot of crossfit workouts, but have done that one (albeit w/o a vest)- it's a tough workout; makes you feel very good those guys are on our side
6.5 mile hike on the trails with my wife and Tiny E, pretty good climb on this loop- this was Tiny E's longest outing to date :)
52 or 92 degrees? that made the choice pretty easy- got up at 4:30 w/ headlamp and got in 4.5 miles (had a couple of close calls :))
For time:

Run, 400 m

8 Bear Complexes, 135 lbs

Run, 400 m

30 Pull-ups

Run, 400 m

8 Bear Complexes, 135 lbs

Run, 400 m
Tiny Elvis and I are batching it for a week, so he'll be my hiking/jogging buddy for awhile. We got 4.5 miles and almost a 1000' of gain into our secret meadow this evening


2 rounds of:

25 wall balls 20/14

30 pull ups

400m run


3 sets of:

2 squat snatch TnG

3 sets of:

2 power snatch TnG


EMOM for 6 minutes:

5 TnG power snatch

EMOM for 5 minutes:

4 TnG power snatch

EMOM for 4 minutes:

3 TnG power snatch
Tiny E and I got 3.5 nice trail miles this evening. We went to a little more popular trail area then we had been going- I'm telling you he's a chick magnet! :D
Hiit stadiums

3 sets of 30 steps, up and down each, 180 total steps

First three took about exactly a minute with a minute rest. The slowly got longer than a minute. Next 3 took 1.5 minute break between. Last 4 took 2 minute break.

27 minutes, avg HR 169
100 double unders
50 deadlift 185#
50 bar facing burpees
50 one armed dumbbell snatches 50#
100 double unders

Cash out, Death by Toes 2 Bar
Min 1-2
Min 2-4
Min 3-6
Min 4-8.....................
194lbs, down 10 since starting in this thread.
Hiit kettlebell descending ladder with 54lb

20 one arm swings each hand. Short break between arms
18, with enough rest to get hr around 140
16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2. Rest time shortens the lower reps you go.

Completed in 18:45, great workout at home if you really aren't feeling a full on routine or short on time. Also if you just wanna get the blood flowing before you go gamble on the golf course :rolleyes:
4 rounds, 2 minutes per station, of:

Row Calories

Rest 1 min

Double Under

Rest 1 min

Score is total number of reps
Squat clean low blocks


Partner WOD each one has to complete
10 cal row
1 down and back sled push
1 rope climb

Working together

Front squat