
nice crisp morning, abut 38 degrees start- mid 40's when I was done; about 11.5 miles w/ almost 3000' of gain- the first 7-ish miles of today's run follows the 20 mile race I'm doing in a couple of weeks (it's about as brutal as a 20 miler can get)

got another 11-ish miles w/ ~ 3000' of gain today, difference today was I ran with two younger (read faster!) guys- my legs are toast, burnt toast!

weight training this evening- a little progress on both the bench and overhead press

squats 3x5, bench 3x5, overhead press 3x5, dips 3x30, pullups 3x12, core
for time:

80 DB snatch alternating arms 50/35

60 calorie row

40 bar facing burpees

20 muscle ups ( 20 c2b+ 20 ring dips )
^ running w/ a 20# ball would certainly be difficult :)

a leisurely 5-ish miles on the trails- the crocus are about done, but shooting stars, yellow bells, phlox and even some balsam root are popping- low 50's, light wind- perfect running weather

AMRAP in 10 minute of:

6 s2oh 135/95

12 t2b

24 walking lunges


5 sets of:

power snatch+squat snatch+ohs


EMOM for 12 minutes of:

power snatch+ohs

rest 1 minute


EMOM for 8 minutes:

1 squat snatch ( try to go up every minute )
got in a nice 7-ish miles on the trails this evening- upper 60's, as warm as we have been all spring- felt hot, tomorrow it will be hot- low 80's- it's going to hurt!

I was gonna do this last night in my garage gym without the rows. That lasted about 5 min when my cooler dumped me over on my 3rd box jump. Just glad I didn't break anything. Lol. So I ended up just doing the deadlifts and running some.

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30 min AMRAP
30 double unders
15 pull ups
15 push ups
100m sprint

Partner WOD, switch after each complete round. One rests while other works
If done individually rest 1 min after each round

I should add, you are supposed to have a 35:00 running clock and the last five minutes find a 1 rep max of deadlift. I didn't do that. I don't agree with the Crossfit fascination of trying to move heavy weight while fatigued.
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6 mile run yesterday morning

Today was...

For time:
Farmer Carry, 200 m

-- then --

4 rounds of:

Row, 300 m

10 Toes-to-bars

-- then --

Farmer Carry, 200 m

53 lb kettlebells on Farmers carry
got another 7-ish miles in on the trails- extremely warm here today- 80 degrees, 20 degrees above average; I'm not a heat guy

Build to a heavy 3 position snatch
High hang, Hang and TNG Full snatch (without putting bar down)

Heavy Restful Grace
Complete as many sets of the following interval until you complete 30 reps:
60 seconds of Ground to Overhead 185/135 lbs
Rest 60 seconds