
Back squat
6 @ 66%
4 @ 71%
2 @ 76%

6@ 71%
4 @ 76%
2 @ 81%

6@ 76%
4@ 81%
2@ 86%

Front squat 10 @ 55% of 1 rep back squat max

Party with the Girls
Kelly- 400m run-30 box jumps
Angie- 20 pull ups, 20 pushups, 20 sit ups, 20 airsquats
Nancy- 400m run, 21 OH squats
Helen- 400m run, 21 KBS 55#, 12 pull ups
Fran- 21 thrusters, 21 pull ups
Diane- 21 deadlift, 21 handstand push ups
Annie-50 double unders , 50 sit ups
Karen- 30 wall ball 30#
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch

Build over the course of the 8 sets to something heavy-ish for today.

"You Go First"
In teams of 2
12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
12 Burpees
*Partners will alternate rounds

I did one round with a 30# wall ball for shits and giggles. Would probably be beneficial to train with a 30,,,20 felt like childs play afterwards.
Work too 1x 5rm squat 3 second pause in the hole then -10% 2x max reps

3 rounds
10 power cleans 155
20 bar facing burpee

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5-ish miles on the trails- beautiful afternoon, highs in the mid 50's with just a light wind- perfect!!!!
30-20-10 reps of:

DB thruster 35/25



12 minutes to establish 1 RM snatch


EMOM for 14 minutes:

1 snatch @ 75-80%

rest 60 seconds

EMOM for 7 minutes:

1 snatch @ 85+%
another beautiful day in paradise! sun shining, upper 50's, light breeze and dancing along 5.5 miles of mountain trails :)

Quick one today....

3 rounds for time of:

Medicine Ball Run, 400 m (20/14 lb)

4 Wall Climbs

2 Rope Climbs (15')
10 rounds of:

pull a sub 1:40/1:55 pace on the

Concept rower for as long as possible

rest 1 minute between rounds
had a really nice run on the trails, about 7.5 miles- looked like I might get rained on (had my jacket around my waist in case), but a few errant drops is all I got

Bench press 5x5 ( I did several sets of push ups and push ups with feet on a box, I don't "bench" anymore.)

10 min AMRAP
400m run
15 KBS 70#
10 GHD sit ups
5 deadlift @ 50% 1 rep max
Take 15 minutes and build to today’s 1-RM Power Clean

"The Fringe"
For time:
30 Calories of Rowing
30 Burpees
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#))
30 Push Press (95/65#)
30 Pull-Ups
3 rounds
15 sec front squat hold
1 arm farmer carry

7 min EMOM
Back squat 3s pause @ 70% front squat max

Every three minutes 4 sets
6 front squats at 70%

Shoulder to OH 135#
Chest 2 bar pull ups