
Double Unders
Sit Ups

Twelve (12) sets of:
20 Second Support Hold in Dip (Top of dip)
Rest 20 Seconds
20 Second Dip Receiving Hold (Bottom of dip)
Rest 20 Seconds

This portion will take 16 minutes. Try to hold for the full 20 second periods, but if you come down early, just rest and stay on schedule for the upcoming work intervals.
^Good deal.

I've got a few places I'm not carrying traction, but the packed snow on most of the local trails is now ice, so it's going to be a bit before I can ditch them entirely.
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 20X1

Rest 2-3 minutes, and then reduce the load by 5-10% and perform…

One set of:
Back Squat x Max Reps @ 20X1

*Set terminates when you cannot maintain quality form, fail the rep, or have to take more than 1 breath at the top of each rep.

10 Rounds For Time:
5 Burpees
10 Wallball Shots
12 minute EMOM:
Min 1-3: 15 double unders + 1 full snatch + 1 high hang snatch @ 60-70%
Min 4: Rest
Min 5-7: 15 double unders + 1 full snatch + 1 high hang snatch @ 70-80%
Min 8: Rest
Minute 9-12: 1 full snatch + 1 high hang snatch (built to a heavy set)

2 rounds:
2 minute sled push
2 minute max cal ski erg
2 minute rest
I don’t know how I’ve never been on this thread but seems like a little extra motivation.

Thrusters 4 sets of 8 increasing load. Ended with 155.

3 rounds
9 deadlifts 185
6 box jump overs
3 wall walks

800 meter run

3 rounds
3 wall walks
6 box jump overs
9 deadlifts 185

Time 14:47

Walked 1.64 miles