
7 miles round trip, starting at 1200’ and ending at 4200’. Beautiful clear day with temps in the high 20’s.



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I had a rough week last week with whatever I was sick with, but I’m better now. I was able to get out Friday and kill a pig with my bow. Feeling pretty much 100% now. I got in a 500 meter row, followed by 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill, and another 500 meter row this morning. I’ll do last weeks Wendler routing starting again tomorrow since I didn’t get all my workouts in last week.

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@AK Troutbum __nice, looks like juice was worth the squeeze :D

Well no big surprise, I didn't win the sheep hunt; but I can't feel as bad as a guy from Bozeman, where the banquet was, got his name pulled but wasn't in attendance-ouch!!!

6 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis this afternoon