Today at 9:03 AM #15,561 state637 WKR Joined Feb 21, 2017 Messages 482 Location Michigan Strength Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of: Back Squat *Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 90-94% of 1-RM *Set 4: Max Reps @ 85% Conditioning Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for time: Bike 30 Cals 30 Wall Ball Shots
Strength Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of: Back Squat *Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 90-94% of 1-RM *Set 4: Max Reps @ 85% Conditioning Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for time: Bike 30 Cals 30 Wall Ball Shots
Today at 10:57 AM #15,562 TripleJ WKR Joined Apr 12, 2016 Messages 2,050 Location OR 10 minute alternating EMOM: -3 deadlifts @ 80% -6R/6L double KB bulgarian split squats 8 minute AMRAP: -25 double-unders -10 deadlifts @ 185# -5 strict HS pushups
10 minute alternating EMOM: -3 deadlifts @ 80% -6R/6L double KB bulgarian split squats 8 minute AMRAP: -25 double-unders -10 deadlifts @ 185# -5 strict HS pushups
Today at 11:58 AM #15,563 mtwarden Super Moderator Staff member Joined Oct 18, 2016 Messages 11,007 Location Montana 6 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis; much cooler today—highs upper 30's and cloudy too, tamped down the "big thaw" for awhile anyways
6 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis; much cooler today—highs upper 30's and cloudy too, tamped down the "big thaw" for awhile anyways
Today at 1:16 PM #15,564 brca005 FNG Joined Jul 26, 2024 Messages 76 5 sets - KB thrusters 5 sets - KB rack squats/KB OHP 5 sets - KB swings/suitcase carry/KB row 1 hour jiu jitsu 1.5 mile walk with Chuck and kids
5 sets - KB thrusters 5 sets - KB rack squats/KB OHP 5 sets - KB swings/suitcase carry/KB row 1 hour jiu jitsu 1.5 mile walk with Chuck and kids
Today at 3:15 PM #15,565 mtwarden Super Moderator Staff member Joined Oct 18, 2016 Messages 11,007 Location Montana strength train this afternoon deadlifts 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70% overhead press 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70% chin-ups 27-27-27 core
strength train this afternoon deadlifts 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70% overhead press 3/3/3+/amrap @70/80/90/70% chin-ups 27-27-27 core
45 minutes ago #15,566 I InkedElkSlayer WKR Joined Jan 8, 2022 Messages 1,531 Location Montana 5 sets of 5 Pull Ups 4 sets, no rest Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10 Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/55 x 12 1-arm Deadhangs Bench- 195/205/215/225/drop to 205 on last set 2 sets DB Bench- 60s x 15/12 DB Curl- 25s x 12 3 sets Wrist curls- 65 x 15/12/12 Reverse DB Wrist Curls- 20s x 12
5 sets of 5 Pull Ups 4 sets, no rest Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10 Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/55 x 12 1-arm Deadhangs Bench- 195/205/215/225/drop to 205 on last set 2 sets DB Bench- 60s x 15/12 DB Curl- 25s x 12 3 sets Wrist curls- 65 x 15/12/12 Reverse DB Wrist Curls- 20s x 12