
quick push today:
chest flies warmup 3x12-15
BB bench 10/8/6/3/3/3+amrap 50/60/70/80%+60
smith incline 3x15 around 60%
BB military 3x10 65%
2x1 min dead hangs

Spent the weekend sw of home chasing ducks, headed home early to avoid the storms and potential tornadoes headed our way. Turns out I headed right in to it. Fortunately the tornadoes hit a little north of us, but sad news and a bad scene for some areas around us.
Every 3:00, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Back Squat

*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 90%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 95%
*Set 5 – Max Reps @ 85%
(allow only one full breath cycle at the top of each rep)

For time:
50 Wallballs (30# WB)
25 Toes to Bar
25 Wallballs
15 Toes to Bar
15 Wallballs
12 minute alternating EMOM:
Minutes 1-4
Odd) 7 burpee box jump overs 24"
Even) 3 squat snatches @ 60%
Minutes 5-8
Odd) 7 burpee box jump overs 24"
Even) 2 squat snatches @ 70%
Minutes 9-12
Odd) 7 burpee box jump overs 24"
Even) 1 squat snatch @ 80-90%

For time:
-30 cal echo bike
-30 alternating DB snatches
-30 (15R/15L) single arm overhead DB lunges
-30 cal ski