
to hot to hike after work, still too sore to strength train at the gym, so decided to give the 100 pushup/50 pull-ups in 5 minutes challenge- managed to four sets of 20 pushups/10 pull-ups, ran of time and gas to finish

few pics from this last weekend



Mtwarden, How is that Tarptent Aeon working out for you. I'm thinking pretty hard about buying one myself. Specifically, are the corner vents and associated straps a pain in the butt? Congrats on what looks like another awesome trip through the Bob.
Mtwarden, How is that Tarptent Aeon working out for you. I'm thinking pretty hard about buying one myself. Specifically, are the corner vents and associated straps a pain in the butt? Congrats on what looks like another awesome trip through the Bob.

I like it. I think this is the third Open this was the shelter I brought, bunches of other trips too. Corner vents I almost have open, rarely do I close them, but they close (and open) easily.

Thanks! it's always a challenge, but very rewarding and already thinking about next year :)

Morning of day 3 with the Aeon hiding amongst the logs

That's the exact same reason why I walk the dogs from 4-5 am, to avoid the heat. I try to get them 10k + steps a day since they're cooped up at home while we're at work.

Elvis is the similar to me as far as temperature tolerance, he has no problems in single digit weather, when it gets into the 70’s plus, he’s right behind me panting :D
Did a teams masters comp at my home gym , im sore 4 workouts was fun challenge. My face in first pic says it all

In 15 minutes
300m worm run #100
30 cal row
30 cal ass bike
30 cal ski erg
Max weight 2 rep thruster #225
Devil press
Box jumpovers
30 of each for time
Kb squat clean #44
Kb s2oh
Toes to bar
# 4
12 axle bar deadlifts 50’ farmer carry (there and back)

#350 of sandbags carried 50’ load a wheel barrow do 50’ with wheel barrow then return sandbags.
Max effort s2h with #100 log
( sandbags were #100-2x#75-2x#50)

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^ that's sounds like a ball, not :D

I went pack rafting with a buddy who was going to show me the ropes; well the river was way too high for a first timer- he got to show me the rope, a rescue rope- totally dunked twice. So we decided to bag it and got a 3 mile hike back to the vehicle