
6 @ 63%
4 @ 68%
2 @ 73%

6@ 68%
4 @ 73%
2 @ 78%

6 @ 73%
4 @ 78%
2 @ 83%

Front Squat
10 @ 55%

3 rounds
10 dumbbell bench press
30s max double unders
15 Deadlift @ 205#
30s max double unders
10 Bent over row each arm

3 rounds
35 band pull aparts
15s hanging L sit
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets): 2 Power Cleans

"Qualifier 17.2"
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24... and so on
Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 50/35# Dumbbells
Chest-to-bar Pullups

If you aren't doing the Qualifiers...

3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24... and so on
Kettlebell Hang Squat Cleans, 35/20#
C2B Pull-ups
beautiful run this evening- 50 degrees and sunny, just shy of 7.5 miles- yellow bells, a few varieties of phlox and shooting stars have joined the crocuses in popping out

Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes
Clean pull
High hang squat clean
Hang squat clean
50%, 60%,65%,70%, 75%..pick your load on last two. % of 1 rep max clean and jerk

3 rounds, 3 min rest between rounds
30 cal row
20 cal assault bike
OHP 3x5,3,1 @ 75%,85%,95%. Managed 5 reps on the 95% set

Seated cable rows 3x12

Standing one arm DB shoulder press 3x10/side

3x12 machine rear delt flys

Later on an 1:15 of backpack cardio with a 40lb pack, just through the hills in the neighborhood.
3 rounds of:

50 double unders

40 walking lunges

30 pull ups


12 minutes to establish

1 RM squat clean & jerk


EMOM for 14 minutes of:

squat clean+jerk at 75-80%

rest 1 minute

EMOM for 7 minutes of:

squat clean+jerk at 85+%
Push Press at 60%-75%

5 rounds
12 deadlift
9 hang cleans
6 push jerk

Scale the weight so you can do each set/exercise unbroken and complete in less than 10 min.
Take any rests between exercises or rounds.
7.5 miles, ran the loop from yesterday in reverse- I think it's a little harder this way (or I'm just tired from yesterday's run :))- either way a good 1600' climb
7-ish miles and 1600' of gain; somehow dodged the rain storms flitting around (had a jacket wrapped around my waist just in case)

Min 0-5 AMRAP
1 wall walk, hold 3 sec at top
3 strict pullups hold chin over bar 3s at top
Min 5-10 AMRAP
Ring holds 30s (suspend yourself in rings)
10 ring rows
Min 10-15 AMRAP
6 strict toes to bar
3 inch worms

5 Rounds
12 cal assault bike
9 front squat 135#
6 burpee box jumps
After stretch

1 rep front squat with 5 sec pause in the hole then
-20% for 3x3 no pause

8 min AMRAP
5 hang snatch 75lb
5 bar over burpee
100m run

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
7 min EMOM
2 pause squats at 65% of 1 rep front squat max

Min 10-13
7 front squats 53% 1 rm

Min 13-16
7 front squats 56%

min 16
7 front squats 59%

4 rounds
21 cal row
18 thrusters 65#
15 pull ups
two mile hike with my grandkids on Saturday

12 mile run today- I've run this out and back route 32 times previously over the last three years and beat my fastest time by two minutes today :)

Every :90 for 4 sets of each
1.) 5 Deadlifts, climbing
2.) Max HSPUs in 60 secondsor 8-10 Single Arm KB Press, each arm
"Rocky Top"
15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
30 Double-Unders