
Ill play along this last 30 days of prep.....

5 Supersets of 5 hang cleans and 5 deadlifts. Dont let go of the bar between HC and DL.

Ive done this weekly for the last 8 months just to keep a baseline on cardio......

5 rounds of
4:00 Assault Bike - no hands, all legs. Dont touch the handles.
2:00 to complete 40 push ups....rest with extra time. Faster you finish, more rest.

If you dont complete the 40, deduct each push up missed from total Cals. Finish the 40.

Score is Calories. I try to hit 10-11 cals per min. 200 is baseline. Today was 228. PR is 237.
Thurs legs
30 treadmill 951 vert ft 15 deg

Push am rap no rest
High incline db 15/12/9/7 80/80/90/90s
Hammers 15/13/10/8 40/45/50/50s
Lateral flys with 25# plates 17/15/15/13
Seated cable flys 22/16/14/12
Weighted dips 15/11/10/10 35#
Incline db curl 16/14/12/12 30/30/35/35
Shrugs 20/20/18/18 5 sec eccentric
Pushdowns 16/12/9/8 70/80/90/90

Treadmill 20 min 15 deg 572 vert ft
12 minute EMOM:
Min 1-3: 3 back squats @75-80%
Min 4: rest
Min 5-7: 2 back squats @ 85%
Min 8: rest
Min 9-12: 1 back squat @ 90-95%

1 minute work/20 second rest x 9 rounds (3x through)
1) Plank hold
2) AMRAP sled push 20'
3) Double unders

3 rounds:
-10R/10L pallof press
-10 tempo GHD back extensions
-10 GHD reverse hypers
-10 single leg RDLs with KB
4 miles (600') with Tiny Elvis; nice sunrise despite the 100° temp today

15 min EMOM:
50 Single Unders
3 Deads @225

8/2 - 5k row 22;12. It was a bit of a rest day, I mostly just kept a steady, slower pace. I hate rowing and envy those of you with 34" inseams.

Today I did the above, but instead of EMOM I did 15 rounds and 40 double unders instead of 50 singles. Tried to keep the EMOM pace, but ended up 18:42.

Finished with a push up EMOM of # of push ups of that minute. Start at 1:00, 1 push up. 2:00 2 push ups. Made it to 21. Never did it that way before, will do it again for sure. Good way to knock out 200+ push ups. First run through a workout is always feeling it out. I think theres more in the tank next time I do it.