
Mar 17, 2018
So I did the mtntough mgd this afternoon. It was the buy in for this month's routine, called "The mountain". It was 3 minutes of each of the following exercises, with as many reps as possible of each in that 3 minutes. My numbers are included. It kinda humbled me lol. But in my defense I'm 45 years old and like beer and mexican food!!

DB squat thrusters-41
pull ups-22
lunge jumps-115, but I can't touch my back knee completely down so I kind of cheat on those by necessity
suitcase crunches-52
jump squats-68
DB renegade rows-56
DB step ups-30

Curious to see how much I can improve those numbers by the end of the month when it's time for the buy out.
Jan 8, 2022
Looks like @TripleJ shot a freak, @state637 did a bitch of an WOD and @mtwarden is roaming around in the Scapegoat/Bob again…

I’m back from a 9 day mulie trip. Weather changed and we saw more bucks and numerous 4pts. My son didn’t pull the trigger. Even on one with a couple inch cheater that I plugged my ears on when looking through my 15s. He has a bar for this unit. A lot of hiking, a couple thousand vert each of the last few days and we hit 9700 the day of my last post. We also walked to within a 100yds of a big, very old, boar black bear bedded in the brush. Chiseled mud off everything, butchered a buck and steamed the wife’s European today… back to my gym at O-dark-30 tomorrow.
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Feb 5, 2021
Looks like a lot has been going on with a few of y’all. Glad I can enjoy the hunt through your pics and commentary. I missed archery too much going on around the house, farm and work. Good thing is it’s cooling off a little in Georgia so I’m going to sit Friday and Saturday between working on the farm.
Completed workouts Monday and Tuesday with treadmill work 3.0 12-15deg 35 min both days
Good luck in the field !
AM Legs
Pre exhaust
Leg exts 3x20-25
Leg curl 3x20-25
Deads 20/10/10/10 135/225/225/225

Compound sets
Kettlebell 1/2 squat 22/18/16 90#
Single leg squat 16/13/12

Calf press 45/35/35

Treadmill 7deg 2.5 25 min


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Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
@InkedElkSlayer is he going to get to go again?

Well my trip started off a little rough- 30 minutes into my drive I realized I forgot my phone, figured not a giant deal- no photos but I know the area pretty well so can do w/o the gps. Get to the trailhead and realized I forgot my trekking poles- that's not good as this area is very steep and the two basins I wanted to get into drop off very precipitously.

I started climbing and it starts to drizzle, I look up towards the top and it's absolutely socked in- great that's right where I'm headed. Get to about 6800' and I'm in the clouds and it's still drizzling. At about 8000' I start looking for where I want to drop off, no visibility and no gps so this makes extremely difficult. Drop off in the wrong spot, they'll find you next Spring! Some how I manage to find the right finger ridge and start down, not fun w/o trekking poles and everything is slick from the rain.

Get down into the basin and rain lets up, find the spring I had seen from above on my last trip and get camp setup. Go to setup the tent and realize that the main (and only) pole is supposed to be my trekking pole! Get an idea and break out my tripod, not perfect but will work. It's in the clouds above me, but below I can see so start glassing right from camp. Starts raining again, hard enough, I break for the tent. Lets up an hour later and I start glassing again, the clouds actually lifted a bit and I could glass the upper reaches of the basin above. Clouds roll again, now can't glass anything. Start a fire and get supper going, clouds lift and I glass until dark- nothing.

That night it starts raining and then sleeting. The wind really picks up which always makes me nervous in a lightweight tent, but the tent held fine (with the tripod as a support). Get up an hour before daylight and start breakfast, too windy for a fire. Looking to the east I can see a faint orange glow, only to be snuffed out by dark clouds. I get camp loaded up just as it starts to drizzle. I head up for the dividing ridge between the two basins and find a spot where I can glass into both. I see some movement in the "new" basin, smaller mule deer buck, see more movement in front of it and see not a smaller mule deer buck- just then the clouds come in thick and they disappear. I wait an hour or so (in the drizzle) hoping the clouds lift- no luck, looks like an exact repeat of the day before. I make the steep climb out (no trekking poles) and finally hit the trail again- again in the clouds, visibility maybe 50'. I head down, the trail is steep (and slick, it's still drizzling) especially so w/o trekking poles.

At about 6500' I finally break out of the clouds, do some glassing- nothing. I get a great idea as I see a longish meadow on top of the ridge and decide to take it down instead of the trail. Well there is a really steep drop off to get to the meadow. I slowly clamor down, slipping and sliding on the wet brush. Move through the meadow not seeing anything and then have to drop off again to hit the trail, this time it's even steeper yet. Eventually make it w/o breaking any bones and get to the trailhead soaked (and sore).

I'd post some pretty pictures of the country, but I forgot my phone.

The silver lining- that buck I saw if he wasn't big enough this year, I'm pretty sure he will be next year :D

19 miles and 4500' of gain (and descent).


Feb 21, 2017
Every 90 sec, for 9 minutes (6 sets)
Bench Press x 1 rep @215

Three sets for max reps:
90 seconds of the following....
7 burpee box jump overs + max reps strict HSPU
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of the following....
7 burpee box jump overs + max reps of strict pull ups
Rest 30 seconds
90 seconds of the following....
7 burpee box jump overs + max reps T2B

40 minutes of Aerobic Conditioning
Spent time on rower, assault bike and ski erg