Incline db press 15/10/10/10 : 75/80/90/90s
Decline press 15/10/10/15: 145/175/195/115
Seats flys 20/15/12/15
db military press 18/15/15 45s
Rev incline db arnold press 20/15/15/15
db French press 12/10/15: 80/90/65
Cable push down 18/15/15
Single arm exts 3x failure
Pull day
Front pull down 25/15/10/10
Standing one arm row 20/15/15/8
Compound sets:
T bar front pull-down 16/12/12
Barbell seated good mornings 15/15/12 115#
Seated rear delt flys 15/12/12
Preacher bar curl 16/12/10/8 65/75/85#
db curls 12/12/10/8 35-45s
Gym day , 1573 steps for 98 flights .
Stepped up the weight across the board
Bicep curls 3x15@70
Lat pulls 3x15@130
Seated rows 3x15@130
Tricep extensions 3x15@130
Tricep extensions 3x15@130
Back extensions 3x15@150
Hammer crunches 3x15 @ 130
Ab crunches 3x15 @ 80