Warmup: 30 seconds each move, 30 seconds rest. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Jumping jacks
In and outs
Crab walk
Workout: complete each move then 30 seconds rest before next move. 3 rounds total.
Bulgarian split squats x10ea leg
Side lunges x12ea leg
Calf raises x15
Box step ups x10ea leg
Squats x20
Switching jumping lunges AMAP 30 seconds
Wall sit x30 seconds
2 miles with a 40# pack. 2 sets with pack, 10 squats, 10 pushups, 20 calf raises, 10 lunges, 10 overhead press, 10 bent over rows, then 20 bodyweight pullups
45 seconds each movement and 15 seconds of rest, then do the next movement. Repeat for a second round totaling 20 minutes.
Jumping jacks
Squat lunges
Push-up burpees
Explosive lunges
High knee taps
Seated in and outs
Plank open and closed
Low plank to high plank
Mountain climbers
Also here is the video link for anyone who wants to try it out:
New to forum. Never posted any of my PTs anywhere until last Sunday’s…
Been Lifting/cardio with kids M/Tu and haven’t posted in a few days.
PT Hiked mountain above the house yesterday (670vert/35lbs). Short, sweet, steep and before daylight
Leg day today:
4 warm up sets Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos
Half Murph with vest. Was right on 30 minutes again. Just cant seem to get under that time yet with the vest. Goal is to be under an hour for the full Murph by Memorial day.
2 x 12 min amrap’s
80 box jump over
60 barf acing burpee
40 pullup
20 pistols
At 12 min switch to no break
20 overhead squat #115
40 front rack lunges
60 hang clean
80 deadlift