This is the day I love to hate. Yep walked lightly out of the gym after this one
barbell only squats 3x100 ( goal) only did 75/60/45 ( cannot rack the weight until the set is complete)
Barbell stiff leg deadlifts 5 sec eccentric with pause 3x15-20 135#
leg extensions 5 sec eccentric 3 sec concentric (3 sets)
Walking static lunges 50 yards x 3
This evening is going to be mowing and weedeating our yard and the neighbor lady's. May throw the 50# sandbag in the pack for that and set the step counter.
Barbell flat bench
Bent over seated cable row ( 5 sec eccentric)
Incline db 80#
Close grip pull down (5 sec eccentric)
db bent over shrugs
db lateral raise
Reverse close grip bench
Barbell drag curls
Dips ( 5 sec eccentric, 3 sec pause, push) 3x7