
The dog and I did just over 6 miles today but only about 2000’ elevation gain. About 4 miles was with snowshoes and wished I would’ve brought the bigger ones.



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Partner WOD
20 min AMRAP
Row 500m/run 400m/Assult bike 3/4 mile
4 strict weighted pull ups
10 box jumps (no stepping)

One partner complets a row/run/bike. Other partner does pull ups and box jumps during this time. Switch when row/run/bike is done, start where you partner left off.
gym this morning

deadlifts and overhead press 3/3/3+/10 @ 70/80/90/70% of 1RM
lunges 3x40 yds
chin-ups 3x12
21 mile hike/run w/ a buddy today (he's doing the Bob Marshall Open as well); challenging conditions- upper 20's w/ snow and a brutal wind, steady 15-20 mph w/ gusts near 40- brrrrrrr!

Snatch EMOM
Minute 1-3: 3 snatches @ 65%
Minute 4: rest
Minute 5-7: 2 snatches @ 75%
Minute 8: rest
Minute 9-12: 1 snatch, starting @ 80%. build to a heavy 1 rep

For time:
500M row
30 Alternating hang dumbbell snatches 50 lbs
30 goblet squats
500M row
Ton of Front squats

3 rounds for time
500m row
400m run
Rest 3min between rd

Tabata assault bike
For 4 min= 10 sec work 20 sec rest
For 4 min= 20 sec work 10 sec rest
Every 2 minutes for 12 rounds (alternating)
-400M run
-30 cal ski erg
-15 strict press 75 lbs + 15 T2B + AMRAP calories assault bike

Cash out
50 bench press @ 135 lbs
*every time you break, 5 strict pull-ups

Cash out
50 bench press @ 135 lbs
*every time you break, 5 strict pull-ups

I like that idea! :)

5 miles on the trail w/ Tiny E, he found something f^cking nasty- thinking a paunch from a dead deer and summarily rolled thoroughly in it- that's my buddy :)