With a running clock, go for as many reps as possible…
3 min AMRep:
10 squat cleans (135 lbs)
row as many calories as possible in remaining time…
2 min Rest
3 min AMRep:
10 squat clean (135 lbs)
as many burpees over bar as possible in remaining time…
2 min Rest
3 min AMRep:
25 calorie row
as many squat cleans as possible in remaining time…
2 min Rest
3 min AMRep:
25 burpees over bar
as many squat cleans (135 lbs) as possible in remaining time…
When you do something like this do you do any warm up or cool down stuff? Or is that all you do for the day?
I've been dabbling in a little cross fit the last couple days. It sure sucks. Usually I can spend an hour at the gym, last couple days I can hardly get up off the floor after a half hour.
Just doing mostly body weight stuff now, trying to work into weights...