Wiser Precision Pynch Pulleys

LA Hunter

Aug 26, 2020
I'd be glad to help, I turned my wheels for a few nights before I finally started on the project. Looking back, it turned out to be a pretty simple.

Make sure it is a motorbike chain with rollers on it.

First I punched out the links with a hammer and a punch tool, but that is more labor-intensive and bends the links. Then, I switched to a cut-off saw/grinder to cut the links off which works much faster. I also could round off the sharp edges as I cut them apart.

I doubled up the static connections (green dyneema cord) that will hold either the load or the pulleys, but will use a single 550 paracord through the pulleys. If you have money to spend, then find where they have 4mm dyneema since it does not stretch and it carries much more weight than nylon paracord.

LA Hunter

Aug 26, 2020
Any idea what a link weighs? Thanks.
I don't know how much they weigh and I don't have a scale that measures it. I just learned some technical lingo while figuring out how to reply informatively.

In my photos, 'one column of those metal links with three (3) pins' weighs about as much as one of my 7 mag cartridges, but takes up less space. One column of links includes 1.5 outer plates, 1.5 inner plates, and three bearing pins intact with the roller and bushing.

I started with my own lingo (I'm a tinkerer, not a mechanic), and found the following diagram helpful for accurate terms:


LA Hunter

Aug 26, 2020
A motorbike chain can be had for 13.95 off Amazon.

An angle grinder is the tool I used (not a cut-off saw) to cut the plates and smooth out any sharp burrs. These cost $25.00 to $75 on Amazon.

With the extra links, you can make some for your buddies.