Wisconsin Wolf hunt!

How do 4000 hunters (if every tag sold and everyone trapped / hunted) with one weeks notice kill 20% of the population (they estimate around 1000...) of one of the most cagey predators in 48 hours?

IIRC, and it’s been a while since Ive reviewed the deer numbers; but roughly 650,000 hunters only kill roughly 1/10 of the whitetail population (190,000 out of 1.8m? in 9 days) of a yearly tradition.

I’m betting there may be more wolves leftover than their current estimates.
There were only 1,260 Licenses sold to get “20%” of the population, in a about a day.
Not too bad considering people were picked at random, had no notice to call in to work, buy a license, pack up gear, drive, set traps and hunt in that one day. Must be some real lucky hunters to find so many of such few so fast.
Must have been a ton of help from hounds? Were the houndsmen on the search for license holders to assist? The success rate seems insane.
The DNR counts wolves as well as they counted bears in the past.
To better understand how the DNR counts, you have to first understand what they want. For example, they 'Don't want deer', so it's no coincidence they 'Do want things that destroy deer', like Bears and Wolves.

So when 'counting' they apply their 'Multiplier' for Deer, and apply their 'Divider' for Predators.

Then to help the deer extermination along a little more, when a hunter buys a deer tag - they get several. Then for an extra 20 bucks, you get enough tags to fill your truck and still have money left over to buy a beer. All justified by their count of... too many deer. Problem is, lately a lot of hunters come home empty and their kids would rather shoot a deer on video, because there is no deer in the woods. A generation of hunters is being lost. We're going to need more wolves, adjust the divider.

It all gets down to integrity, which is the only real endangered thing in this state.
What a shit article. I can’t stand the misinformation around these critters. On both sides.

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What a shit article. I can’t stand the misinformation around these critters. On both sides.

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Agreed. At least it IS in the opinion section. Surprising as I thought maybe a real biologist wrote it...
I like the fact that they keep stating the quota was 119 wolves....uh no it was not. It was right around 200 to begin with. Just because the Indians didn't use their tags doesn't change the actual quota.

Kind of funny they don't want to kill wolves because of spiritual reasons but have no problem netting every spawning Walleye and other species of fish even though they are spiritually connected.
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I like the fact that they keep stating the quota was 119 wolves....uh no it was not. It was right around 200 to begin with. Just because the Indians didn't use their tags doesn't change the actual quota.

Kind of funny they don't want to kill wolves because of spiritual reasons but have no problem netting every spawning Walleye and other species of fish even though they are spiritually connected.
Around here they would snag the last salmon in the river and blame it on someone else.

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It is hard to speculate on how intelligently the WI DNR comes up with population estimates, but it seems odd to me that hunters would be able to fill the quota so quickly if the total population is what it is said to be. Regardless, at least they were able to make some money off the hunt in order to better figure out that population. Previously the "shoot em and let em lay" folks weren't generating any income for the DNR.
Remember, many agencies like the DNR, NRCS, etc. are getting filled with eco activists & anti hunting types.

Undercounting, or using methods to strategically count to arrive at very conservative numbers sets the stage for a lower quota. That with giving 40% of the quota allotment to the Indian tribes, who won't shoot a wolf because of spiritual beliefs, and account for less than 5% of the hunting or ag damage population, allows them to limit the quota amount even further. keep in mind the Indian reservations are in the highest density wolf zones so giving them an unproportional quota allotment reduced the kill in areas where it was most needed.

The DNR claimed the wolf range did not start until 2 counties north of us. I have seen a wolf within 50 yards of me bow hunting, neighbors also have myself and neighbors have multiple pics on them every year on game cams. Approximately 5-6 years ago when the last wolf trapping was allowed, One neighbor trapped 2 different wolves within a mile of my property.
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There have been a ton of these since the hunt. Seems like they are getting quite a bit of backlash. In reality the hunt didn’t touch the population at all.
East of Park falls which has a "shit load" of wolves on federal land, probably only had 1 or 2 taken out of it. Sadly this is where multiple hounds were killed, friends of mine lost 3 in one day
Everyone wants to focus on how we blew past the 119 quota and say what a disaster. But nobody wants to pull up our most recent management plan, last updated in 2007, that reaffirms the biological carrying capacity for the STATE is 500 wolves. Yes, they will be updating the plan shortly and that 500 number will probably increase, but the post hunt wolf population estimate is 1,000 wolves . . .
Yeah. And originally, they talked about 350 wolves. Then it was 500. Their current estimate is 1000. Many people, myself included, believe that the real number is more than twice that.

I know that’s ridiculous. It’s not as though the WI DNR has any history... recent history... of extremely undercounting predators... uuuuuuuummmmmmm... Oh. Yeah. There was that whole bear thing.

And convicted felon, arsonist, douchebag Rod Coronado is funded, supported and heralded by urban idiots who write and read these slanted, nonsense articles, parroting his narrative.