Wisconsin Wolf hunt!

I drew a tag with zero points and as a Minnesota resident. Sorry to those who didn't draw. Hopefully wolf management isn't short lived and there will be more opportunities in the near future.

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Good luck on your hunt UP NORTH. Please let us know how it went.
curious how your cousin accumulated 4 points? i must have missed something?? seems like 3 is max around me.rice lake area. hopefully everyone is putting them in the cooler until quota is met then register till them all in one day try to double the harvest !!
curious how your cousin accumulated 4 points? i must have missed something?? seems like 3 is max around me.rice lake area. hopefully everyone is putting them in the cooler until quota is met then register till them all in one day try to double the harvest !!
He told me that the other day when on the phone. He's up in iron county
It seems rushed because... just This week it was announced there will be a hunt, applications start and end this week. Next week is the hunt, lottery winners will be announced while the week long clock is ticking. Don't bother looking for regulations, they are not out yet. Seems a little rushed.
Yeah...timeline is quick but it's not like they don't have numbers or any background in doing this. What do you want them to wait until it is blocked again?

They have had seasons before and know the objective....reprint the rules from the last hunt and update the season dates....done deal.
I see Zones 2, 5 and 6 have all met quota and close tomorrow at 10 am.
Just seen this as well. It's funny, zone 2 and 5 are my old stomping grounds, ruined by wolves.
Had I drawn a tag, I would have been in zone 5 on Monday and went to zone 2 as a backup if quota was hit in 5.
Quota is way too low, if they counted wolves the way they do deer it would surely be a lot higher.
What is strange to me, the announced a quota of 200 but now it is only 119. They lowered the quota substantially for what they had announced. The hunt will be over for some at 10AM tomorrow and 3PM tomorrow for the rest. Maybe its good I didnt draw a tag cause It would have been Tuesday before I got there with the late notice draw.
What is strange to me, the announced a quota of 200 but now it is only 119. They lowered the quota substantially for what they had announced. The hunt will be over for some at 10AM tomorrow and 3PM tomorrow for the rest. Maybe its good I didnt draw a tag cause It would have been Tuesday before I got there with the late notice draw.
The quota was for (200 wolves), almost half go to decedents of native Indians, because the wolf is their sacred brother. Numbers wise that’s not the only strange thing. The DNR estimates less than 1200 wolves statewide. The last Wolf hunt 6 years ago took 2 months to get as many wolves as we got in only 2 days this time.
Almost 1/3 of the lottery draw winners did not bother to buy a license.
Just glad to see the runaway population slowed, even if it is Minuscule.
Just shows the population is much higher than what the count says if the quota can be met so quickly. AND...how many were missed AND..how many weren't found