Winter Conditions


Dec 24, 2015
This site seems pretty Idaho specific, so I figured ide ask this question here. I like keeping a close eye on winter weather/snow throughout the winter, and it seems like nearly every time I look at a Doppler the last few weeks, the area in and around Idaho Falls is getting snow.

For those of you in or near Idaho Falls, what are the conditions in that part of the state right now?

Also, what are the real current conditions in your neck of the woods, whether it be Idaho, or any other states?

Seems like this winter is starting out tougher than average in a few areas across the West. Its still way early, and we may see a warm up, or slow down from the seemingly constant bombardment of winter storms moving across the country. But at the same time, I'm worried for the Mule deer, because it is SO EARLY in the winter season, and who knows what's in store the next few months?


Mar 30, 2016
I'm up north (st. Marie's) but we've had a crap load of snow. My dad lives down in Boise and he said they have quit a bit so I imagine IF is as well. Here's a pic I took tonight

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Feb 29, 2012
I live in Idaho Falls. We've had 2 storms within the last couple weeks that put down over 9" each time. There seems to be just as much snow (or more) in the valley floor as on the wintering ranges. Some crusting snow but not too bad. So far the deer appear to be in good shape as we've really only had a few weeks of winter. They entered winter in great shape and it was very mild in nov and halfway thru dec. It will come down to Feb/March as always.

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Dec 24, 2015
Guys, thanks for the replies. IDGobbler, that picture made my jaw drop a bit. I assume its been plowed which makes it look deep, but it still doesn't look pretty. I've been watching the weather multiple times every day lately, and the last few days had me a little down. Seemed like the southern half of Idaho was under one big storm for the last few days. Now its looking like lows in the negative teens. Doesn't look pretty. I'm hoping that the most of the snow already fell for the season and get this cold snap over and done with, and that Feb through April is warmer with few snow storms. The 15 day forecast is calling for snow from 7 to up to 13 days out of the 15 day forecast in various locations in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Hoping for the best, but this winter doesn't look pretty. Looks like a killer, and one we will all remember for a long time if it stays the same course.


Mar 30, 2016
Yes it's been plowed I work for the sheriffs office and out at the airport total snowfall for this season has been 71 inches! It has warmed up the last few days and got rid of some of the snow.... judging by the animals in my back yard the deer are looking healthy and been on the move.... the 7 elk that go through my yard every night are not looking so hot.... 2 of the old cows are looking pretty ruff but the bull and calves seem to be doing alright..... can't wait for spring

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Nov 10, 2013
In gunnison colorado there is another foot on top of a what is now a crust just in the past week and it is going to get real cold over the next week.. I am using a snowmachine to get around my house and even my tracks that I had blew shut... Still snowing.

Going to be a bad kill around gunnison just how bad we will have to wait and see. CPW made the plan to bait the deer away from the highway or another way to put feeding them and this has only happened 3 times I can remember and all 3 of those years the deer took a major hit. 90% of the deer and elk in the western Gunnison units (54,55,551) are now parked on the same small parcels of snow covered sage. Or you can literally see thousands of deer and elk packed along hwy 50 and getting destroyed nightly.

So this week it just got much worse for the deer sure hope one week it gets easier for them. The cpw and some might say the deer are ok but many others of us know otherwise.


Nov 22, 2016
Might be one of the worst winter kills in Idaho history. The IDFG is starting to feed now but that's just to appease the public. The folks I know aren't to up beat. Deer are already starting to drop like flies, and those have been getting feed for more than a month now. Just to cold to long.


May 19, 2016
West Texas
Damn... this really stinks to hear. What's the typical death loss in some of these aforementioned areas vs a guesstimate for this year?


Nov 10, 2013
Effective immidetly Colorado CPW has shut down any SHED HUNTING or it is illegal to even have antlers with you on the winter ground of 54,55,551,66,67 until May 15th 2017. Also all small game seasons are closed until then in the same area's. The last time this happened was 08.

Sounds like there will be CPW officers watching the winter grounds and setting up road blocks to catch any jackasses who are out trying to get sheds this year. Great move by the CPW and I for one will be watching with spotter and have the CPW on speed dial if I see anyone harassing the wildlife.
Aug 6, 2012
ColoradoV that's awesome to hear. I wish Utah would do something similar.
Nomad on a normal year in the west 30-40% of that years fawns will be lost.


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Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
overall Montana is not looking overly good at this point- well below average temps for the last 8 weeks in most areas (some areas are on track for the coldest winter in a 100 years) combined with snowfall well above average in most areas

very sad as some areas were just starting to really bounce back :(
Jan 26, 2017
WA State
Looks like it's warming up in Idaho for the next few weeks. Currently 55 degrees in Boise. Long range forecast is calling for daytime highs in the mid 40s to low 50s for the next two weeks.


Aug 28, 2016
Looks like it's warming up in Idaho for the next few weeks. Currently 55 degrees in Boise. Long range forecast is calling for daytime highs in the mid 40s to low 50s for the next two weeks.

Thats good, do you think the warm up is to late and the damage is already done?


Jan 22, 2017
Any word out there on Wyoming specifically the winter range around region H. I am planning on drawing it this coming year but now with all this weather I'm scared to use my points if there is going to be a giant winter kill.


Apr 27, 2012
Any word out there on Wyoming specifically the winter range around region H. I am planning on drawing it this coming year but now with all this weather I'm scared to use my points if there is going to be a giant winter kill.
About all i can tell you is there is going to be serious winter kill. Its the most snow on the winter range that has been seen in a decade or so. And im talking about the actual desert area where these deer winter. Its bad. dead deer all over. In Jackson region specifically it has been terrible. Game and fish is expecting possible record winter kill numbers, but maybe we will get lucky and spring wont be rough...but i have a feeling its not going to let up soon. . There will still be deer obviously, but it will make it much harder to find great bucks especially in H, and ample scouting will be very beneficial to success after a winter like this


Jan 22, 2017
Wow that's terrible news hate to see this specially since they were finally rebounding from the previous winter kill may be headin to AZ instead this year thanks for the update.
Jan 10, 2014
If the winter kill really is that bad this year, it's going to affect the herd for at least a few years (nearly impossible to determine exactly how many years), not just this year. Just something to keep in mind.


Sep 9, 2015
western WY
About all i can tell you is there is going to be serious winter kill. Its the most snow on the winter range that has been seen in a decade or so. And im talking about the actual desert area where these deer winter. Its bad. dead deer all over. In Jackson region specifically it has been terrible. Game and fish is expecting possible record winter kill numbers, but maybe we will get lucky and spring wont be rough...but i have a feeling its not going to let up soon. . There will still be deer obviously, but it will make it much harder to find great bucks especially in H, and ample scouting will be very beneficial to success after a winter like this

I'll concur to this. I'm in Sublette County, southeast of Jackson, between the Wyoming and Wind River Mtn Ranges. This winter has been a killer. A lot of the deer in our area summer in the northern part of G and H. Snows were belly deep on the adults the middle of January and temps were bottoming out between -15 & -40 below for weeks on end with highs maybe making single digits and not much sun. The snows kept piling up till the first week of February when we finally had some horrible winds for 36 hours on end, but luckily with no snow. It cleared the tops of the ridges that had 3 feet of snow on them. A good thing and the deer have found them. The deer are so concentrated now on these areas you'll see 50-100 deer in a 100 yard area in spots. The first of last week it warmed up but the snow came hard, then for some reason it warmed up to 40 degrees which melted the ridges some more, but rained lightly for a solid day... at 7200 feet mind you, in February. Temps plummeted over the weekend to just below zero and the snow is rock hard now. Right now a 200 pound man can walk across the snow depths of 1 - 3 feet without too much trouble. To make matters worse, our area really didn't see a drop of rain from the first of June till the middle of August, during our prime growing season. From what I know, the winter of 1983/84 was the roughest on deer when most of the fawn crop perished and from the people I've talked to in the know, this winter could match or top the percentage of herd winterkill of 83/84 in western Wyoming . Surely some areas will be affected more than others. The Wyoming G&F recently released their newsletter on deer counts going into winter. The Sublette portion of the herd was counted at 10,000 deer. Unfortunately there was only 60 fawns per 100 does. The Wyoming Range herd listed 58fawns per 100 does, but total deer counts were not mentioned. I've provided a link below of that newsletter. We've gotten sun now for a week. If winter starts to break up here in the next few weeks then we'll be on our normal path, but if it lingers into the first part of April then the adult does will really start taking it hard also.
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