Equipment weight spreadsheet


Jun 11, 2022
Anyone here good with spreadsheets?

I’d like to be able to weigh my gear and then plug it into a spreadsheet to make decisions about what gear to carry on certain hunts.

Would be very interested in seeing what my pack will weigh depending on carry different stoves, sleeping bags, water carry methods, etc.
Brady Miller had a good one posted on Go Hunt a while back if you are a subscriber. I am sure you could search it up. Has a bunch of different tabs for pack weight, nutrition etc…

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I’ve been using packwizard. What I like about it vs lighterpack is how you can organize your gear. With pw you have a gear closet that can be organized into gear bins so you don’t have to scroll through a long list of gear when building a list.
I’ll have to check that out. I’ve had problems switching things out on lighterpack.

Thank you.
You can just make one in excel/sheets. This one of mine is a bit outdated due to gear changes but when doing a true backpack hunt I make sure the stuff that is packed is updated in terms of weights. I set it up so quantity 0 is red = don't pack. Quantity .5 (when splitting gear with someone) is orange and 1+ is green. Weight for 0 qty is red, weight for something with a value is blue. I summarized groups of gear to help visualize the categories of weight, etc. But all that is fluff, the base concept is there.

Screen shot from part of it. "Skin out weight" includes the clothes/boots I'm planning to be wearing to capture a true weight of everything.

You can just make one in excel/sheets. This one of mine is a bit outdated due to gear changes but when doing a true backpack hunt I make sure the stuff that is packed is updated in terms of weights. I set it up so quantity 0 is red = don't pack. Quantity .5 (when splitting gear with someone) is orange and 1+ is green. Weight for 0 qty is red, weight for something with a value is blue. I summarized groups of gear to help visualize the categories of weight, etc. But all that is fluff, the base concept is there.

Screen shot from part of it. "Skin out weight" includes the clothes/boots I'm planning to be wearing to capture a true weight of everything.

View attachment 796476
How hard is that to edit?
Changing the text and weights is just like typing in a normal spreadsheet. If I need to add more rows in a section there is a little more finicky formatting so all the sections tally up right to their header but that is just because I wanted it to be compact visually. If I just stretched it out down a page it'd be more simple.
I’ll have to check that out. I’ve had problems switching things out on lighterpack.
The problem I had on lighterpack was when I duplicated a list. The original list would change when I changed things on the new duplicate list like they were linked together.
I just had to start any new list from scratch.
I don't even see how to duplicate any more so maybe they just removed it.
Great information. Thanks for posting the links. Can’t beat weighting the packed backpack at home. I was surprised at the additional weight I added.
I have used lighterpack for years and it still seems to be the standard in the ultralight "scene" but I am finding myself switching to pack wizard. For one thing, I like that I can easily copy gear lists I see on it vs. trying to manage a bunch of bookmarks of lighterpack links.
I used a blank excel and then lightpack for a while. Recently found the Exo google sheet and it’s very good. I like that you can add all of your gear and just click the gear you’re taking on a specific trip.