Hi all, I was looking for an early to midseason set up for bowhunting whitetail out of treestand. Wanting a quiet outerlayer with good windblocking.
Instead of getting something like sitka stratus which i don't care for the elevated color and price was wondering if anyone has used the following.
BD Alpine Start wind shirt under a cheap fleece jacket of which i have plenty of. Just wanting to know how quiet of an option this would be with the windshirt underneath vs. some of the other fleece jackets with windstopper built in. My thought is you wouldn't be stuck with one expensive jacket and could use several cheaper quiet outer layers in different thicknesses and camo patterns..
Instead of getting something like sitka stratus which i don't care for the elevated color and price was wondering if anyone has used the following.
BD Alpine Start wind shirt under a cheap fleece jacket of which i have plenty of. Just wanting to know how quiet of an option this would be with the windshirt underneath vs. some of the other fleece jackets with windstopper built in. My thought is you wouldn't be stuck with one expensive jacket and could use several cheaper quiet outer layers in different thicknesses and camo patterns..