Will cows push muleys out?


Sep 6, 2015
So I'm having trouble finding my muleys this year. The last 2 years have been phenomenal, killed 2 big deer with archery, seen lots of bucks. I would generally see 30-60 deer on the place in a days hunt. Absolutely nothing has changed this year...except for the fact that the couple pastures I typically find the deer in have cattle in them this year. Is that the problem? Any of you guys have experience or knowledge of this? One rancher buddy thought because the cows would graze all the good grass, the deer would go elsewhere. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Well shit. Was considering leasing the place earlier this year...glad I didn't do that! But now I have to find a new place to hunt. Dammit.
yes they can but not always. Depends on how many cows and how much room...plus amount of feed water etc.
Mule deer and cattle mingle most, if not all of the year. They seem to co-exist nicely. The biggest issue is the availability or lack of feed. No or little feed and the deer move out.
In the areas I hunt the deer will move out if cattle are moved in. They don't always go far though, usually to the next closest good bedding cover. Typically the cow tank is where the deer are watering if it's dry though. It might be worth checking around the tanks for sign, it might be possible to catch them coming or going to water. Or they could water after dark...