Wilderness Ridge Llamas Tent

Anyone have thoughts on stone glacier SkyDome vs the divide tents? Thinking mutli purpose…Alaskan excursion but still a hot tent packable with livestock?
Got myself a Continental for hunting/family camping and took it for a spin this weekend. Absolutely loved it. Super easy and intuitive to set up with 2 people. It was an absolute palace! Had 3 cots and gear with plenty of room to spare.

On another note, I had the opportunity to experience Snowtrekker's service. The zipper stops on the screen door I ordered weren't clamped, so the zipper pulled clean off the first time I set it up—2 days before a camping trip. Honest manufacturing mistake. Called Jonah and he had a new screen door sewn and shipped to me, no questions asked, OVERNIGHT so I'd have it for my trip. Impeccable service. I was very impressed!
Got myself a Continental for hunting/family camping and took it for a spin this weekend. Absolutely loved it. Super easy and intuitive to set up with 2 people. It was an absolute palace! Had 3 cots and gear with plenty of room to spare.

On another note, I had the opportunity to experience Snowtrekker's service. The zipper stops on the screen door I ordered weren't clamped, so the zipper pulled clean off the first time I set it up—2 days before a camping trip. Honest manufacturing mistake. Called Jonah and he had a new screen door sewn and shipped to me, no questions asked, OVERNIGHT so I'd have it for my trip. Impeccable service. I was very impressed!
I've had a Continental now going on its 3rd season and can't say enough about it. Talked a lot with Jonah and Beau before buying it-they put a lot of thought and changes into the final product. I was at Beau's place when the first prototype Continental arrived and helped him set it up right out of the box in front of his house-was convinced right then that I had to have one. Mine has withstood some pretty fierce storms at 10,000 feet with no wind flap at all. The guy-out system is ingenious, it packs down easily in a llama pannier and the frame and pole set are top notch. We hang our bows off to the side on paracord strung between the A frame ends, and, because of the ridge height, they stay completely out of the way. I've tried other tent setups since packing with llamas beginning in 1998 and this tent is the best by far. Just wish the exterior window could be closed from inside somehow. Maybe a velcro or zipper screen that could be lifted to let the exterior flap down. They are pricey, but for a product that will last a lifetime if properly cared for, IMHO they are worth every penny. I'm guessing when you factor in inflation, earning power, etc. these are not any pricier than a full canvas setup from the old days. A sil-poly tipi that will offer similar interior room (12-man) is just about as expensive (I had one).
Got myself a Continental for hunting/family camping and took it for a spin this weekend. Absolutely loved it. Super easy and intuitive to set up with 2 people. It was an absolute palace! Had 3 cots and gear with plenty of room to spare.

On another note, I had the opportunity to experience Snowtrekker's service. The zipper stops on the screen door I ordered weren't clamped, so the zipper pulled clean off the first time I set it up—2 days before a camping trip. Honest manufacturing mistake. Called Jonah and he had a new screen door sewn and shipped to me, no questions asked, OVERNIGHT so I'd have it for my trip. Impeccable service. I was very impressed!
Have used it many more times, and I can't get over how much I like this freaking tent. Setup is stupid simple and takes my wife and I under 10 mins to be fully set up after dialing in the process. Only hiccup was not tensioning it correctly at first, and the screen door zipper was too tight (velcro for the screen door kept coming undone). Quick change to how the door guyouts were staked (slightly inward instead of straight out), and a change to tensioning order (front>back before side>side) fixed that.

Hot tip; We tie the floor corners in before staking out the exterior corners, and it pitches perfectly square every time.

Last trip we did it rained the whole time. Had to be a few inches of rain with howling wind over the weekend—we were bone dry inside. Minimal flap. The 5" stove pipe did get a little sketchy in the high winds. I'll be rigging up some support for the future. The quick to put up a-frame makes it super easy to air out and clean off when you get back home. Tarp floor material is great. I can't believe how strong it is for being so lightweight.

The ability to hang stuff off of the ridge pole line is money. We picked up some 24" gear ties from amazon that we bend into hooks to hang off of the ridge line.

If I were to do it again, I'd get another door sewn in on the other side to get a cross breeze on the hot summer days.