Wide fit hunting boots

I worked in the outdoor gear industry for a long time and learned the dirty little secret that most boot manufacturers do not make different width lasts for their boots but rather use different insoles in the different width offerings. That is to say the “narrow” boots have a thicker insole and the “wide” boots have a very thin insole, which provides more space in the boot and thus giving the allusion that the boot is “wider”.

I called Kenetrek and their representative told me that Kenetrek uses a different last for the different widths, which gives the boot a truly different width.


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I’d suggest giving one of the two Hanwag boots that they make in the straight fit extra last. I haven’t tried their regular wide boots. These ones are more “foot shaped” wides.
I need a size 15eeee boot. I bought a pair of kenetrek mtn extremes and tried like hell to make them work. But couldn't stop blisters no matter what i tried. They're for sale at Carters Boots in Bozeman if anyone knows of another big foot. I also tried Hanwag in a 15extra. Nope, those are going back, to tight. I could probably fit into a Hanwag in Straight Extra but can't find any in stock to buy.. Schnee's doesn't make one big enough. Haven't found any Lowa's in stock online or in person to try on. Used to where Whites climbing boots as lineman but had to custom order those for $600, 20yrs ago. Was hoping to avoid the custom route for a quality mtn boot. Anyone know of a boot for sasquatch?
Take a look at the Zamberlan Vioz got a low/mid hiker or the Lynx for a little higher boot. My feet are shaped like a duck foot, so I need a wide boot with a squarish toe box. Also, I’m an EE and their Storm Pro fits well even in the standard sizes. That’s what works for me.
I have the same problem as CP6. Hanwag or Zamberlan Vioz work for me. Go where you can try them or talk to Lathrop and Sons. I can't buy anything over the internet for my feet.
For me, Lowa fits the bill perfectly...They are my go-to boots any day anytime.
My dawgs are super wide, most brands don't fit me. The ones that do are Danner Pronghorns, Meindl Dovres, Crispi Summit GTX & Hillman Alpha Dryhunt boots. Tried all those other top brands listed plus others, too tight up front for my duck feet.
