Why? I guess you you could ask me why pay for more than one big game rifle?

I have lots of rifles, handguns, shotguns, and my first bow (42# wing recurve) and my last bow (Mathews V3). Certainly do not need a custom action.
I bought an arm load of Savage heavy barrel Model 12's back when Cabelas had them for $249. Put Black Friday SWFA 6x on them & they shoot pretty darn good. Have put prefits on 2 of them along with after market stocks.
I have screwed together quite a few AR15's in 5.56, 300B.O. 6.5 Grendel & 6 mm ARC. Had new barrels put on a couple Rem 700's.
Some of the guns I have taken big game with are, Win M70 pre & post, Rem 721 & 700, Tikka, TC Encore rifle, TC Contender handgun, S&W 629, Legendary Arms rifle, & Christensen Ridgeline.
The Christensen was the LAST hunting rifle I was ever going to buy. Even believed that when I told my wife.

But I had some trouble with it, sent it back, and it still wasn't right.
So I decided I was going to have my first custom built. Alex Wheeler lives about an hour from me, and after discussing it with him at length, a plan came together. I went with the Bat Vampire with a Bartlein CF barrel, BnA tacsport trigger, Mcmillan stock in 30 Nosler.
Wheeler said he goes through every action he builds on. Including checking the ignition and timing. He said every one leaves his shop perfect, but the Bat's arrive there closer to perfect than most others.
This gun is everything I wanted, and most importantly I have great confidence in it.
For me this was a journey of many years. Lots of successful hunting trips, with good guns, but in the end, never having everything I wanted in one package.
I'm now planning another build in 25 PRC on a Bat Vampire. Might be my LAST one!