Late to the discussion but a few things that I’ve learned as I’ve aged. I’ve done 14hrs plus/week of coached training in my 40s. 1. Make sure you include rest days. 2. Most workouts for me are low intensity cardio days. Keep intensity days only on intensity days. It’s all about recovering for the next session. 3. Carbs get a bad rap from some but I have to fuel the workouts with carbs. If I don’t, I pay the price in fatigue and/or performance. Just my two cents.
The carb debate is one that many seem to brush over because protein is the cure all in today’s philosophy. But, carbs are important. Extremely important. Under consuming carbs with an active lifestyle is a 100% road to injury and lack luster physical well being. It also is a guarantee to gain weight if you stray. Don’t do this.
Carbs are essential. And lots of them if you are active. I don’t know why it’s become so popular to diet like a body builder. Body builders aren’t living an athletic life.
Eat carbs. Eat seas salt. Get your nutrients from your food. Not supplements
Oats, potatoes, carrots, beans, greens, turnips, beets, squash, peas, etc.. should be the driving force for your carbs. Eat all you want if you stay busy. This is required if paramount health is your goal.
I imagine with your diet choices you already know that when you clean your diet up and are active, you eat a lot more. A lot more. Don’t withhold that from your body. Give it what it craves and needs. Like I said, you likely already know this but, we sometimes miss our obvious problems when we are involved in the problem.
FWIW, incorporate a quart of tomatoes juice into your diet daily. You’ll see the results in energy and the way you feel within a week. Potassium and magnesium are followers of your sodium levels in active people. If you sweat a lot, I guarantee you the tomato juice will improve your energy levels.
Drink a quart with your mixing bowl of veggie salad with supper. You’ll sleep better. You’ll feel better. And, you’ll physically perform much better.