I feel you. 36 years old with 4 kids, 3 of which are 8 or under. I work long hours and an unpredictable schedule and I commute a minimum of 3 hours M-F, and have done so for 8 years. I try to lift and do cardio regularly. We had a garage with bath and laundry room built and I am doing all of the interior work in the spare time that I don't have. I try to be a good dad and husband. I try to have a life but hobby time seems to have all but disappeared. I'm spread thin, plain and simple.
I turned in my notice a week ago. I just can't keep up this pace any longer. I will make half as much as I was but I will only work 3 days a week and will work 20 mins from home. Being the only bread winner in the household, it was a very stressful decision. But I crunched the numbers and we can still pay our bills, there just won't be much meat left on the bone. The job I'm leaving has a fair bit of stress baked into it. The new job does not. I'm really hoping this change improves how I feel. I don't struggle with being sleepy, but it is very rare for me to not feel tired.
On the topic of cold plunging, I listened to multiple podcasts where it was discussed by scientists. Primarily Andrew Huberman and Shannon Sorenson (i think thats her name). Eventually I heard enough to believe that it was beneficial and I just started doing it. I would struggle to recite any of the benefits to you. I just know that I look forward to it every day (right up until the moment before I get in, which is pure dread usually), and I do feel better overall. I like doing it in the evenings right after supper. I eat, then plunge, then shower, then relax for about an hour before bed.