Just got back from our DG474 hunt. We had great weather with highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's at around 3000' elevation. Had two nights of snow, one blowing pretty hard, but for the most part had a high pressure system and sunny days and moon lit nights. I ended up taking an 8"x5.5" billy at about 150 yards and he fell where I shot him. My buddy took a 8.5" x 5.5" billy at 320 yards and he ran down the mountain about 200 yards (despite being double lunged and having his right shoulder blown apart) then laid down and died. I watched (through the spotting scope) my buddy shoot his and I was sure that it was a good hit, but it jumped up and started running down the mountain without so much as even a hobble. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it. Goats are just plain tough animals. The coats on both out goats are super thick, so should make some good rugs. I used my iphone for all my photos and it ended up getting wet at the end of the hunt while taking pictures of my buddys goat in a driving (very wet) snow storm. Needless to say my phone went belly up and I don't have a picture or video to show for it. I can't even begin to express how bummed I am for this as not only do I not have a single picture of my goat, but I crawled up on a group of 7 goats and got to within less than 10 yards of them and took some killer video footage, but all is lost. My buddy did take some pictures with his phone and as soon as I get them I'll post a few up.
We had days where we saw 50+ different goats and never had a day that we didn't see less than 30. We saw tons of ptarmigan and ended up shooting a few with bird shot from a 454, saw 4 deer, two bucks and two does, and 3 bears, a big boar on the other side of the drainage that we watched for an hour or so, and a sow with a cub that walked past us one day while we were making a stalk on some goats.
This was by far the best weather I have ever experienced on Kodiak in Oct. Good luck to everyone out there.