We talked about you last night during a water break! The group of us hauling it out are all Coasties stationed at the air station and we started to discuss calling for a medevac or not. I decided against it because us hoisting a civilian with a severely broken leg is our job...hoisting one of our own (me) with a busted knee would be joke fodder for a couple years to come! So I vetoed that and limped it out one baby-step at a time to save myself the jokes of an H65 guy being rescued by the 60s! LOL
As far as news from doc, I have to go back. It's still too stiff and painful for him to do a full exam. My wife is an OR nurse, so she's got me all iced and elevated and will keep me stable until I go back on Monday (due to Thanksgiving weekend) for a full exam and then Motrin or MRI from there.