Who was in line in Idaho today?

Nov 25, 2019
How’d it go in your line? How far back were you and what did you get (or not get) that you wanted?

My line had some real characters, definitely an experience to say the least
Idaho F&G made a shat ton of money today,
The system is terrible but what motive do they have to change it?
I don’t think they have a reason to change honestly. The current system creates a false sense of demand they sell out basically all the non resident tags in 1 day. Other than some pissed off non residents who will still sign in the next year to try again.
Idaho F&G made a shat ton of money today,
The system is terrible but what motive do they have to change it?
They can make more money by making everyone buy a NR license and pay a fee to apply for all these tags. A lot of people today didn't get the chance to loose any cash despite not getting a tag. Next year maybe you can be out $200 and still not have a tag.
I’ll add, I was #8 in my line at a regional office and got what I wanted, diamond creek A
I wanted one of those, sold out about 20min before I got to the counter. Damn line was moving slow with everyone buying 10 tags
They can make more money by making everyone buy a NR license and pay a fee to apply for all these tags. A lot of people today didn't get the chance to loose any cash despite not getting a tag. Next year maybe you can be out $200 and still not have a tag.
Very true
I think Idaho’s tag sale works due to date and demand. They sell before all the other states, and they have a system that gives you a decent chance at some kind of tag. The other states are later and a crap shoot to get a tag.
Used to be you went to Idaho if you didnt draw anywhere else. Now you buy Idaho first, and if you then draw better you turn it back in.

A draw would have folks boxed in to a choice or two. And then low demand stuff may not get applicants while trying for higher demand stuff.

I think they just need to organize it better.
Maybe have you buy the license first like some other states do. And limit tbe tag mules and multiple log-ins.
The temporary homeless camps that invade their regional office parking lots might be a little frustrating.
You would think so.... but they seem to cater to them, and say they like the current system from what I've seen.
Just think what the lines would be like if wyoming did this for the region tags for deer and elk.

All idahos tags would sell out fine if they went to a draw it wouldn't effect that at all currently there is more demand for tags then what's available in the west
You would think so.... but they seem to cater to them, and say they like the current system from what I've seen.

My experience was that the regional office employees didn’t mind one bit, they were all very pleasant, very helpful, and understanding that we just wanted a product that they happen to supply