Who was in line in Idaho today?

Just think what the lines would be like if wyoming did this for the region tags for deer and elk.

All idahos tags would sell out fine if they went to a draw it wouldn't effect that at all currently there is more demand for tags then what's available in the west
And the gas stations, restaurants, hotels, taxis, car rentals......yada yada.

Just show up and you'll win. It's that easy.
Wasn’t it already proposed and not passed a couple times?
They changed direction and are trying to get the commission to make the changes first there is a active nr tag working group currently looking at the process now I think they had a meeting end of November I am sure stuff will come out after the new year
Idaho F&G made a shat ton of money today,
The system is terrible but what motive do they have to change it?

Just think of the money they would make adding a $20-50 “convenience” fee just to get on or in line. That will be next.

They have been hosing me on the sheep for 20+ years. That’s all I’m up for.
I really hope they don’t change anything. As it sits now the guys who want the tags the worst still have a chance to nearly guarantee them. Yeah, it sucks having to wait in line but if you want it bad enough, you can get it. draws are no more fair Than our current system.
I really hope they don’t change anything. As it sits now the guys who want the tags the worst still have a chance to nearly guarantee them. Yeah, it sucks having to wait in line but if you want it bad enough, you can get it. draws are no more fair Than our current system.
I agree, similar to the old way of reissue tags in CO. If you wanted one bad enough you made it work.
They can make more money by making everyone buy a NR license and pay a fee to apply for all these tags. A lot of people today didn't get the chance to loose any cash despite not getting a tag. Next year maybe you can be out $200 and still not have a tag.
A lot of the NR’s are already applying for OIL tags thus the OTC line
I mean, I didn't stand in line for tags. But, I just hope they end the nr tags all together ya know...

this is stirring the pot, keep your panties out of your butthole.
I mean, I didn't stand in line for tags. But, I just hope they end the nr tags all together ya know...

this is stirring the pot, keep your panties out of your butthole.
Good way to get more Californian's moving to Idaho. And they would have to 10x the price of res tags ha