Who "mansacpes " Before a backpack hunt?

i have to admit that i stay that way 24/7.... it helps with applying glide on long runs as well, less chafing for me. i keep the facial hair though.
I shave my head, chest and arms 24/7, but only trimming in other areas. I look like that guy on the movie powder in August though:)

hahahah.....i'm not that white. lol i cut my hair with no guard (bald anyway), chest, arms, legs, and other areas. you seem like a big dude, you ever get a little chafing on your lats from moving your arms, this happens to me running mostly or if i hike in with no shirt on?? i always have to put GLIDE on them before i head out.
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I do the same thing to keep from getting rashes.

I gotta make sure and keep the Glide stick I use on my balls separated from the one I put on my lats....I don't wanna get fromundacheese on me!
I do the same thing to keep from getting rashes.

I gotta make sure and keep the Glide stick I use on my balls separated from the one I put on my lats....I don't wanna get fromundacheese on me!

i get looks when i pull mine out (glide), cause the one has "BALLS" written on it real big with a Sharpie....keeps the guess work out of things. lmfao
I don't write anything on mine, but rely on memory and let my friends use the ball glide for a practical joke. Hopefully they don't read this.
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I don't write anything on mine, but rely on memory and let my friends use the ball glide for a practical joke. Hopefully they don't read this.

i'd hate to be your enemy......lol and i'm pretty sure the jig is up now. poor Justin.
Seems like Aron and BMB are having a real intimate moment here... Perhaps we should leave them to it? ;)

But ya I keep the beard shaved and down south neat and trimmed.
I use gold bond too. It keeps things dry and feels like an Air Conditioner in your pants.
Seems like Aron and BMB are having a real intimate moment here... Perhaps we should leave them to it? ;)

But ya I keep the beard shaved and down south neat and trimmed.
I use gold bond too. It keeps things dry and feels like an Air Conditioner in your pants.

you're a funny s.o.b., Cameron.... I've never gotten used to the gold bond, always seemed to cake up, which then led to chafing on long distances.
you're a funny s.o.b., Cameron.... I've never gotten used to the gold bond, always seemed to cake up, which then led to chafing on long distances.

It is an art... It took me years to perfect it. Just remember to powder the donuts but leave the masterpiece alone. Just don't use the extra strength in either the blue or green bottle. A friend made a bad mistake of that once and his nutty's were on fire like he had icy hot on them!!
Last season, after 12 days of hunting, my hair was getting about as long as it ever does and my partner looked at me and said "you shave your head and your not going bald....you gotta embrace that chit man!"

I would save a lot of money if I actually went bald.
Last season, after 12 days of hunting, my hair was getting about as long as it ever does and my partner looked at me and said "you shave your head and your not going bald....you gotta embrace that chit man!"

I would save a lot of money if I actually went bald.

bastard...... i've been bald since the ripe old age of 24. i'm not Dwight Shuh bald, but very thin on top.
I'm guilty of this as well, I use to live in Thailand for many years and I always shaved everything to stay cooler- when I moved back stateside I never broke the habbit. The only part that sucks is in winter I feel like a chihuahua and get cold easily, especially my shaved head.
The best thing that I have found to prevent chaffing of the nether regions from wet clothes, and which is easier to apply than body glide, and can be used for hot spots elsewhere is "Chamois Butt'r". It's virtually scent free and well, awesome. I picked my last big bottle up at REI I think, and then I just put just a little bit in a small backpacking toiletry bottle. A little goes a long ways. I don't use the little single use packets sold to road bikers because those can be kind of messy and a pain in backcountry situations, especially I suspect if one tries to explode in your pack.