Who is ready to DELETE Facebook?

Already did. Years ago. FB is a total waste of time and energy. So is Twitter and all other forms of SM.

And I’m not an old curmudgeon. I work in IT.

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Let me start off by saying that I am on FB and have been seriously considering deleting it, my hang up is keeping up with family and friends is way easier, I like some of the hunting boards, and for shooting competition, FB is without a doubt the best way to keep up with matches.

On the other hand, if you are on FB, you are feeding the machine. every time you scroll, the social media owners are making money off of you through the advertisers who are there because you are. Then they censor everything conservative and that isn't going to change soon.... All of the major social media sites are spreading the liberal gospel and as long as they are doing that, there will never be any kind of regulation. FB and the other social media sites are steering the direction of this country.
I deactivated mine for a few weeks to give anyone time to reach out before I fully deleted. One person did the same to me and reached out to ask if I deleted him, a person I wouldnt have. When I fully deleted I logged back in and told everyone that I was archiving my photos and videos which was what I really cared about. Said good bye and shut it down noting that I am really not that hard to find if you choose to do so.

I deactivated my account in 2007 and haven't logged back in since. Do I still need to delete, or am I basically deleted at this point? I have no idea how that works...
I don’t see what they did as being much different from getting banned from say, Rokslide. I am not on FB but I never thought of it as a venue protected by the 1st amendment. They can do what they want. I can spend my attention elsewhere.
Bandwidth isn't free. If you are tweeting, Twitter is literally paying to publish your words. They have no obligation to do that for anyone, especially those who violate their terms of service.

If we were in China, Twitter would be forced to publish whatever the president wanted....their decision to not spread speech they don't like is actually a recognized first amendment right.
I'll keep it. I've hidden all the jack wagons on there, so I only see what I want to see. And I'm not going to start hating and canceling everyone and everything I disagree with.
Gab is up and running. They are upgrading the servers as fast as possible, the influx of new users is going to slow them down for a week or so but have patience
Anybody gonna stay up and watch the plug get pulled on Parler? Free speech is dying to thunderous applause from half our country.
I see both sides of it. Owning a forum we would not be here without the Communication Act. We have been really close to going to court a few times but they back down because of the CA. I do think Section 230 needs to be tweaked a little.

There is a huge double standard in Mainstream Social Media. But if the market demands it someone else will come along and fill the needs of those people, we are seeing that already.
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To an extent I agree with you but the biggest problem is these big tech companies aren’t applying their rules evenly across the board. They are obviously targeting conservatives. China and Iran have a Twitter account. I’m pretty sure rokslide would ban anyone that violated their rules regardless of who you are. Would you agree not applying the rules evenly isn’t right?

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China will own this Country with Biden in charge. They want to keep them happy, so they will never delete them. Our troubles will run deep. Hopefully those that voted for him will realize what he’s up to before it’s to late. And not be so stubborn to admit it and, help us to fix it . But seems as though many don’t want our freedom we are used to, I don’t get it.
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Anybody gonna stay up and watch the plug get pulled on Parler? Free speech is dying to thunderous applause from half our country.
Free speech has been referenced in this thread numerous times and I think it should be pointed out that free speech under the 1st Amendment has limitations/exception as defined by the Supreme Court which are certainly applicable to many of the decisions we have seen by some of these companies. For instance any speech that is used to incite actions that would produce imminent lawless action and/or harm to others is not covered under the 1st Amendment. In addition openly threating to kill the Vice President is not only illegal but also not protected as Free Speech. I personally don't have any problem with Amazons/Apple decision on Parlor, and especially with Trump being banned by Twitter as it was clearly evident that both platforms were being used to incite and organize the idiots that assaulted "our" Capitol building.

FYI - I am not on Facebook, but not because of there censorship policies, I just think its a waste of time.
Free speech has been referenced in this thread numerous times and I think it should be pointed out that free speech under the 1st Amendment has limitations/exception as defined by the Supreme Court which are certainly applicable to many of the decisions we have seen by some of these companies. For instance any speech that is used to incite actions that would produce imminent lawless action and/or harm to others is not covered under the 1st Amendment. In addition openly threating to kill the Vice President is not only illegal but also not protected as Free Speech. I personally don't have any problem with Amazons/Apple decision on Parlor, and especially with Trump being banned by Twitter as it was clearly evident that both platforms were being used to incite and organize the idiots that assaulted "our" Capitol building.

FYI - I am not on Facebook, but not because of there censorship policies, I just think its a waste of time.
So, why hasn’t Twitter shut other users down who have used it to incite violence? And why didn’t Apple and google shut Twitter down when they did it? It’s a double standard being applied.
So, why hasn’t Twitter shut other users down who have used it to incite violence? And why didn’t Apple and google shut Twitter down when they did it? It’s a double standard being applied.

I am not sure, maybe they did and if not they should have. I think this particular situation crossed the line and got everyone's attention. I hope going forward they will able to define and communicate more clearly what their policy is and a commitment to acting on that policy without discrimination and equally regardless of party, affiliation etc.
I put an anti-virus program on my computer. Lost Facebook, instagram and Twitter. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Never been on any of that BS. Have I missed much? Only a lot of BS by the sounds of it.