Who is moose hunting 2023?

Absolutely stunning. A true rarity. My son will put together a video of the trip in the coming weeks and if I remember, I’ll drop the link in here.

Good luck to everyone who is out hunting.

So awesome! Congrats again! Looking forward to the video

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Congrats! Excited to see the video as well. I have to live through everyone else’s experiences this year.
Found success on my guided hunt with Renfro’s. I can’t say enough about how great that outfit was. 63.5” of awesomeness. Was stuck in Bethel due to weather for the first 5 days of the hunt, but it turns out we only needed 3 days of hunting to find a great one. I can’t get over the moose densities there.IMG_9812.jpeg
Nice bull Dan-o!!! I’m sure there was a ton of mixed emotions that first 5 days waiting out the weather…wondering how long you would have to wait to get out and start your hunt. Glad you had a great experience and to top it off, we’re successful!
JW683….nice bulls as well. Did you and your buddy do guided or a DIY drop hunt?
We opted for the drop hunt. We could have used a few extra hands because we shot both bulls about a minute apart and 75 yards away from each other. Lots of butchering and meat packing after that!
Hunted out of Bethel, first trip to AK and I was truly blessed with the bull of my dreams. Can't get AK off my mind now...lol
What a bull! BIG TIME congrats!.. love that picture in the fog.

Before my first moose hunt, I was telling an Ol' Timer about my "once in a lifetime" hunt I was preparing for. He chuckled and said, "They all say once in a lifetime until they make it up there once, then they spend a lifetime going back."

No truer words have ever been spoken...
I had a great hunt with a couple fine gents from Reno. It's not often you can say that an Alaskan hunt goes just as planned, but this was the exception. Everything went just perfect and the bull has some of the coolest brow tines I've seen.

Congrats to everyone else on their great bulls. Moose hunting is a lot of work, but sure is fun!

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How'd you do schmaltz? I bet Justin and crew have been busy. Headed back up in 2025.
Very good. We had an absolute blast. Hunted with my youngest brother who used to work for Justin and is now a commercial pilot in town. Fought weather and as others said and most everyone has reported, slow/no rutting. We hunted a great new spot. We would see 5-7 bulls a day and then wind would hit for 2 days and not a thing. So in 9 days had 3 good hunt days. Saw about 17 different bulls and lots of cows. Most bulls unfortunately were in the 35-50” range. Didn’t call a bull in until the 21st. Then a couple the following morning. Very late compared to other years. Only other bulls we saw doing mating season things were a couple forkers fighting a bunch and a 35” bull harassing the crap out of a cow (some of the most bad ass cow calling I’ve got to experience). Didn’t have a real frost until the 22nd. Brother felt the pressure and finally committed to one day 6. I held out for something walking backwards dragging his head on the ground. He must’ve got stuck in the trees!
Justin and the crew are rocking. Another year of well into 90% hunter success rate it sounds like.

My current heart ache is that Everts has lost our entire pallet of moose meat. It arrived in Anchorage and they think/hope it was loaded on one of the refrigerator storage company’s trucks. So praying when they open tomorrow I can track it down and it’s in a freezer!
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Going out this weekend hunting AB in the Edson area. Hoping to cash in on a bull, but have tags for elk, whitetail and black bear as well. Something is getting blasted
@william schmaltz what raft is that in your second picture?
Alpacka Forager

It handled a whole moose no problem. Not sure where a human would go in there with a full moose, let alone a camp too. Based on the total shipped weight of our moose, I would've put the load right at maximum recommended limit if I jumped on that sucker. We just used it to walk the moose around a lake (instead of packing 9 loads the 600 yards around) to a spot that we only had to pack 50 yards to a larger lake for pickup.
I was blessed on my first alaska moose hunt. Their was alot of unforseen suck involved but having a reliable partner is worth more than all the the world's riches when you are in a place where you can have a million dollars cash and can't buy anything. Thanks to everyone on here for all the information couldn't have gone better.


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