Who is dropping their standards?

Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
They’re just antlers shoot whatever you want. I know personally, i have enjoyed hunting WAY more the last 10 years or so when i stopped worrying about antlers and just went back to filling tags and enjoying the actual hunt.

You have developed an emotional defense mechanism. This way you can't be disappointed. I would argue your upside is capped, though.


May 3, 2016
I figure it's my tag I'll shoot whatever the heck I feel like. As someone already stated it's the game dept job to set regulations. If they don't want little ones shot make it so. Having said that I've killed exactly 1 mule deer and didn't care for it. Elk and whitetails are way better in my opinion. If I ever get around to trying for another muley I will be very selective.


Nov 20, 2016
I don't have real high standards to start with, but one year in MT I held out for 5 days or so in search of the oddest, hugest 2 point I had ever seen the day before the season opened. Never did cross paths with him but went home with a nice 4X4.


Aug 6, 2020
I passed on all of your dinks and shot one of your does in the last 15 minutes of my hunt.

I deserved that doe for what I paid, and I took this picture for people like you! lol

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This is hardly more noble than shooting a fork horn buck if thats what you're getting at.

Congrat on your doe. Glad you feel that you got your money's worth.


Mouth of Morrison
Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
My standard is to have a fun and memorable hunt and antler size is only part of that equation. So, no, I won't be dropping my standard.
This is how we play.

This year, @KickinNDishin had a pretty cool bedded big framed 3x3 glassed up from about a mile out and made a stalk around a rim that was just over a mile. She ended up hitting 10 yards away before she saw his antlers and he remained oblivious for several minutes. She wasn't comfortable shooting him in the neck and that's all she could see. It was fun to watch, she ended up with a cool memory, and learned a lot, but once he realized what was up he left in a hurry. The next day, same spot, but a 2x4. She applied what she learned the day before and made an 80 yard shot. The buck is here https://www.rokslide.com/exo-mountain-gear-k4-exs-pack-system/ and nobody will look at the deer other than her and I and think of how rad the experience was.

2020 my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the summer and not doing great. He shot a 168" deer that took a bit of glassing to dig up but was within 100 yards of the road. It's a beautiful deer. This year (same hunt as my wife) he is doing significantly better. He ended up making a stalk of a little over 2 miles to shoot his buck and boy howdy was he proud. It was also tons of fun to watch through the spotter. Not a big one at all as far as inches go, but a huge trophy in all the minds that matter.

My brother is enlisted and got moved out here due to dad's cancer, so he hunted for the first time. The two of them had a few fun days and he shot a buck as well. On the other hand, I LOVE glassing and watching deer, but I have significantly more fun helping all of them. Big deer are cool and I can usually find some, but I am just as happy having fun with my wife and popping an animal when she is around regardless of antler size.
Aug 21, 2016
You have developed an emotional defense mechanism. This way you can't be disappointed. I would argue your upside is capped, though.
Well, i’ve hunted 35 years and killed more than my fair share of big deer, , no doubt more than most, and still enjoy shooting big deer.

But, i enjoy just hunting now even more. It’s not an emotional defense mechanism it’s the majurity to know what i enjoy doing without giving a damn about what some turd thinks who started hunting five years ago because he saw it on the old Youtube. Or anyone else for that matter. It’s quite enlightening to be so comfortable in your own skin that you literally couldn’t care any less what someone else thinks of you or what your shooting.

Fred Bear was ten times the woodsman and hunter than most guys on Rokslide. Ever seen some of the deer he has killed?


Jan 29, 2017
Depends how much you push me.

People shouldn’t be surprised when they get what they asked for be it good or bad. I mean, run your mouth at a trail head about what a guy decides to shoot probably won’t end well i’d imagine.
Every tire slashing story that I have heard of involved the NRs as the victim. Either way, it's despicable. If you have an issue with someone, you should handle it in person.
Aug 21, 2016
Every tire slashing story that I have heard of involved the NRs as the victim. Either way, it's despicable. If you have an issue with someone, you should handle it in person.
I’d do it in person, right in front of the dude.

That what you mean? I mean, someone wants to run their mouth to another grown man i think they should expect some repercussions. Thats pretty logical in my book.

But to slash tires when the guy is 5 miles back AND you never even met him but he has NR plates, yeah that’s despicable. Get no argument from me there.
Aug 21, 2016
I highly doubt that, but no, that's not what I mean. Vandalism is how children attempt to solve their problems. It's just an intense version of a tantrum.
Play stupid games with a man you don’t know win stupid prizes. We weren’t all raised in era where being emasculated and passive is rewarded.


Jan 29, 2017
Play stupid games with a man you don’t know win stupid prizes. We weren’t all raised in era where being emasculated and passive is rewarded.
Oh, I agree with you on the stupid games and prizes, but vandalism of private property is quite passive and emasculating. I don't know how old you are, but it is only the more recent generations, if any, that were raised thinking that vandalism will solve their problems and has any level of honor.


Aug 8, 2021
If you live in Western Colorado no reason to shoot does certainly. Hunters in many Southern states are encouraged to kill does first. My friend in MS feeds 3 or 4 families with does he shot with his bow every year. In Southern CA bow success on Pacific Mule deer is less than 10% including either sex tags. I love elk meat & will always kill the first legal cow or bull I see on public land in CO. I’ve killed decent mule deer & eaten som tags looking for big deer - but don’t feel cocky ignorant or small minded enough to criticize hunters legally harvesting a deer.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
okay can we all agree that slashing tires or being an a-hole especially when firearms are out and loaded is really really dumb, for all involved. How about shoot what tips your trigger and leave it there. 71 year old guy I met this year smoked a forkie in the basin I was glassin. I was pumped for him, hell i hope I can still be hiking back into spots when I’m that age