Who has been in on a double?


Jan 21, 2017
Who has been in on a double bull or elk kill with someone? I managed to pull one off with a buddy of mine. After slow hiking together down a trail a few miles, I told my buddy that I was gonna sit and watch a draw for a while then make my way back. He said he was gonna keep going for a while and went on.

After he headed on, I grabbed a quick snack and a drink and spotted an elk down in the draw I stopped to watch. Further glassing showed 2 bulls feeding unaware of me being there. Both looked to be about the same size so I just waited for the first clear shot and took it. I could see that I made contact but was unsure of the hit and unable to get a follow up shot as both bulls just walked down out of site.

Hearing the shot, my buddy stopped and turn on the two-way to wait for the results. After calling him back up, I stood where I shot from and guided him down to where I last seen the elk. He spotted blood right away and waived me down to follow the blood trail. I told him to be ready as I wasn't sure of my hit and also there was another bull.

We trailed about 75 yards and seen my bull piled up. After the man hug, my buddy pulls out his phone to video my walk up to my bull when that other bull jumped up about 50 yards away. My buddy drops his phone and gets 3 shots off (all 3 hits which he points out to this day) and drops it on the 3rd. After standing in disbelief for a minute it was time for another man hug.

After the second man embrace, the search was on for his dropped phone. We found the phone still recording and replayed the whole scene. You can see me reacting to his bull jumping up then just the phone falling to the ground. The screen is black but we had full audio of the shots and the aftermath. Just an awesome set of events.....and then it got real!!!

Real meaning that we had two bulls on the ground 100 yards apart 2 miles in. That might not be bad for the seasoned mountain hunters but we are flat landers with only 2 weeks a year in the mountains. We each went to work on our bulls and made quick work of them. Then started to move the meat about a half mile to hang in the shade. While moving our meat, we met a local guy out hunting and had his motorcycle parked up the trail about a half mile. He offered to help us get our meat out the next day with it and we are indebted to him for that.

There wasn't a motorcycle on that trail the 4 days we hunted until he showed up. Talk about timing and the awesome generosity of a local guy to help out the out of staters. Part of me thinks that we missed out by not packing our bulls...but it's just a small part LOL. We have packed a couple of bulls out of that same draw before (not at the same time) so we knew the fun. Truth be told, we never would have hunted there if bikes were running that trail but I'm glad there was one that day.

Any other stories of doubles out there?
Great memories but I hate the times we end up with two deer down at once. Not going to think of two bulls to pack out at once!
I shot these two in about 30 seconds.

Shot the cow first and saw she was on rubber legs street...the bull walked about 10 seconds later and let him have it too.



Been in on lots and lots of doubles with 2 guys hunting cows...I can think of 14 times at least.

One time a buddy shot 2 from one herd and I got one...3 elk down in less than a minute.
Yep. A few times.

Back in 2003, early September archery, me and 2 buddies hiked in 4 miles one morning and killed a cow and 2 bulls in 90 mins.

A year later, a buddy and I dropped 2 cows at the same time one evening during Oct rifle season.

In 2009, me and another buddy shot 2 cows at the same time one evening during the late November season.

In 2014, my son and I killed 2 at that same time Labor Day morning

And in 2015, I killed a cow and a bull by myself in 20 mins

This one time me and a mate dropped 7 out of 8 deer that were trotting at about 125 yards with bolt guns.. I was rapped for sure. Neck shots only. One was a scrubby 6 point.


Sucks that 3 of them fell into a hell hole not to be recovered.

Best record was 3 of us doing the 1,2,3 on a mob of goats and getting 24 out of about 30 or so. My goodness we smelled bad hauling them out.
I took two of my buddies this year and they doubled up on cows. It was their first elk and my first time experiencing doubling up on any big game animal. It was a crazy few minutes that we will never forget.
My husband and I have doubled up on deer and turkeys. Both were super fun experiences! I've never shot an elk, but my sister and her husband doubled up on spikes a couple years ago. That was her first elk ever and a really special experience for them after years of hard work and no luck. :)
My buddy and I found some feeding elk at daybreak We set up for me to take the first shot and anticipating their exit route he got his .30-378 cannon situated on the other side of the rocks. We filled both cow tags shooting two at 500 yards.............mine at 50, his at 450 as they exited.
Went the first time ever DIY last year and me and a buddy tagged out on opening morning. He killed a huge cow and I got a nice 4x5 all within 15 minutes of one another and about 100 yds. apart. Now all of the hunters in my family have asked to go w/ me this year. We are going to have a blast. Here's a pic of last year's bull, and if you look closely you can see my buddy going to his huge cow.

A couple of times on cows. Killed a cow with a bow one morning, a bull the next next morning and my hunting partner killed a bull that evening. We hurt for a long time after that.

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Years ago, my buddy shot the 12th bull we could have taken that morning and when we were done quartering it, we heard a bugle. 13th bull w/ cows came to about 200 yds from us and I dropped it.
When my youngest son was 14 and on his first elk hunt we got two 5x5's out of the same group, being 4 miles in it was a long couple days but great memories for sure.
My pard and I typically double on late season cows. It's always a lot of work, but our system makes it easier.
I've been in on 3 doubles in archery seasons. If you get into them its not that difficult....if you can keep the first guy from shouting at the top of his lungs- "I GOT HIM!" /grin

The additional activity of calling them in and shooting one ....with him storming off can help you rile them up even more.

my dad, two brothers, and myself shot four cows at the same time once. spotted the herd from a road with a couple hours of shooting light left, they turned out to be over two miles away. -30 wind chill temps. didn't walk out till midnight.