Who else has caught the Rona?

So I finally got the Rona. While traveling for work no less and am now stuck in a hotel room to quarantine for the next ten days before I can travel home.

Anyways, I thought my allergies were acting up yesterday so I took some antihistamine and it cleared up my headache, cough and runny nose after a few hours so I figured I was good. Due to flying and where I am, my wife told me I should get tested just to be sure before I fly home so I figured why not, I’ll head over to the nearest clinic and knock one out. About an hour later a woman in damn near a full hazmat suit walks into my room and tells me I’m positive for Covid.

So for you guys that have had this, what was your experience with it? Mild, bad, horrible? Luckily everything seems pretty mild for me.
I had it in Feb. I take Vit D, zinc, bit C, selenium every day . Started off like a head cold cold, some loss of energy. When I lost taste I had the Covid test and tested positive for the virus. I took ivermectin, quercetin and upped vet D and zinc for a week. Ive had much worse flu viruses. Have to be proactive in your health. I believe this even before the rona hit. If you go to a hospital have an advocate with you ensuring proper care. Ive been to hospital with friends and family and not uncommon to make mistakes and you have to address these mistakes or lack of proactive care.
Felt groggy the first few days, work said I couldn’t come back until all symptoms were gone. Spent every day the next 3 weeks goose and duck hunting. Lost taste and smell completely. Started to get it back in April (6 months later) and then felt a cold coming on. Lost all taste and smell again but never got sicker than “I feel a cold coming on.”

Natural immunity and antibodies doing what they are supposed to do. Eff that vaccine. Get outside. Get fresh air. Eat healthy. Move your body and get your heart rate up. Easy formula.

Seriously can’t understand why anyone would ever get this “vaccine”.

My wife had the virus a few days after I got it. She was in the shower and realized she couldn’t smell the soap, so she tasted it, nothing there. Went to bed with a fever. Woke up the next day feeling fine with her taste and smell back. All three of my boys sat in pit blinds with me over the next few weeks. None got sick.
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Had it, and wouldn’t have known if testing wasn’t mandatory at the time for me to travel. Did I spread? Don’t think so. Was well within the magic 6ft number to a few buddies before i knew I had it and they both tested negative
Speaking of the flu (which magically disappeared) these numbers are pretty astounding:

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It didn't "magically disappear" people weren't lined up nut to butt over the winter trying to score deals on flat screens coughing in each other's faces. Almost like staying home when sick and washing your hands is effective at stopping the spread of infections diseases

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I am a paramedic. That screenshot makes sense as those are symptoms that need emergency attention. The usual flu like symptoms are treated on an as need basis. Fever, nausea, any type of dehydration, are treated like anything else. But for symptoms that can be managed at home, just like the flu, people are being told to stay home. More severe symptoms I assume get treated as well with other medications, I don't deal with those people.
Mild symptoms can be managed at home. Unfortunately people don't like to be sick and rush to the ED looking for something that isn't available.

It doesn’t make sense to just treat the symptoms. That doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the actual virus infecting a persons body. This is the problem with western medicine. We tend to just treat symptoms and not the underlying cause. I could put on my tin foil hat and speculate as to why that is but I won’t.

Why not treat the virus itself and kill it off before someone has to be carted off to the hospital to potentially infect others who may quite likely be extremely vulnerable due to co-morbidities?

Between my son’s and my wife’s infection, I’ve been told by three different doctors that they need to stay home and quarantine, get plenty of rest and fluids and go to the hospital if they have shortness of breath or their lips start turning blue. All specifically citing the CDC for their basis of recommendations. Didn’t even recommend getting a pulseOx monitor to objectively observe and monitor a critical physiological symptom of the disease.

It’s total bullshit and the CDC is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths because of their negligence in this regard and I just find it disgusting and unacceptable.
It didn't "magically disappear" people weren't lined up nut to butt over the winter trying to score deals on flat screens coughing in each other's faces. Almost like staying home when sick and washing your hands is effective at stopping the spread of infections diseases

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prayers sent.
@Sadler, I hope everything turns out well for you. I'm sure that hotel room will get to feeling pretty small after awhile.

I had Covid back in early January. I caught it from a customer whose house I was working in and got tested as soon as I started having symptoms. I'm 32 and in good physical condition and I had 4-5 days of aches and fatigue. I also lost my taste and smell to a certain extent. My smell is still not the same, but taste is back. I had both Moderna vaccine shots back in April and May and had about 36 hours of similar symptoms after each, which I was expecting with having Covid earlier.

My observations are anecdotal but it seems some families get hit much harder than others. We had a local family that I do business with here that had multiple people in the hospital at one time and unfortunately one of them passed away. It seems like certain genetics get off easy and some get hit pretty hard.
I had it last October, it started out as a headache, then a sinus infection, and then I lost my sense of smell and taste and that was it. The wife and one daughter got it, and my son and other daughter never got it and my son was constantly with me before I was tested positive.
It doesn’t make sense to just treat the symptoms. That doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the actual virus infecting a persons body. This is the problem with western medicine. We tend to just treat symptoms and not the underlying cause. I could put on my tin foil hat and speculate as to why that is but I won’t.

Why not treat the virus itself and kill it off before someone has to be carted off to the hospital to potentially infect others who may quite likely be extremely vulnerable due to co-morbidities?

Between my son’s and my wife’s infection, I’ve been told by three different doctors that they need to stay home and quarantine, get plenty of rest and fluids and go to the hospital if they have shortness of breath or their lips start turning blue. All specifically citing the CDC for their basis of recommendations. Didn’t even recommend getting a pulseOx monitor to objectively observe and monitor a critical physiological symptom of the disease.

It’s total bullshit and the CDC is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths because of their negligence in this regard and I just find it disgusting and unacceptable.

I understand your point. It's being treated like any other virus. Which many people seem to agree, it's just like the cold or flu for the majority of people. Neither of those are treated with anti viral medications, even though the flu can be deadly to a certain population.

Is ivermectin effective? I don't know but, I hope it is. I want something found that can bring normalcy back to our lives.
It didn't "magically disappear" people weren't lined up nut to butt over the winter trying to score deals on flat screens coughing in each other's faces. Almost like staying home when sick and washing your hands is effective at stopping the spread of infections diseases

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Or for some odd reason the hospitals and doctors were incentivized to report everything as the boogie-man COVID bug......even the flu.
I understand your point. It's being treated like any other virus. Which many people seem to agree, it's just like the cold or flu for the majority of people. Neither of those are treated with anti viral medications, even though the flu can be deadly to a certain population.

Is ivermectin effective? I don't know but, I hope it is. I want something found that can bring normalcy back to our lives.
Common sense would suffice.
Glad everyone is getting through this, I have not had it that I know of but know a lot of people who have, one of which was pretty serious but never admitted, he still has lingering effects.

I have been taking Lomatium root(biscuit root) The Washoe used it during the 1918 flu epidemic and amazingly none of them were effected while people were dying all around them.

My wife is an Ayurveda practitioner(ancient India natural medicine) and knew about the root. You can get pills or tincture , the tincture is gross, tastes like really bitter weeds!

I have no idea if this is helpful, am not a doctor so do your own research, but it is simply oil from the root of the plant, some people get a rash from it. Pretty amazing when you research the Washoe and the flu epidemic!

My wife knows of the root too but I can't always get her to take it! :(
It didn't "magically disappear" people weren't lined up nut to butt over the winter trying to score deals on flat screens coughing in each other's faces. Almost like staying home when sick and washing your hands is effective at stopping the spread of infections diseases

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It doesn’t make sense to just treat the symptoms. That doesn’t solve the underlying problem of the actual virus infecting a persons body. This is the problem with western medicine. We tend to just treat symptoms and not the underlying cause. I could put on my tin foil hat and speculate as to why that is but I won’t.

Why not treat the virus itself and kill it off before someone has to be carted off to the hospital to potentially infect others who may quite likely be extremely vulnerable due to co-morbidities?

Between my son’s and my wife’s infection, I’ve been told by three different doctors that they need to stay home and quarantine, get plenty of rest and fluids and go to the hospital if they have shortness of breath or their lips start turning blue. All specifically citing the CDC for their basis of recommendations. Didn’t even recommend getting a pulseOx monitor to objectively observe and monitor a critical physiological symptom of the disease.

It’s total bullshit and the CDC is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths because of their negligence in this regard and I just find it disgusting and unacceptable.
I didn't know there was an effective antiviral for SARS-COV-2. Remdesivir is a general antiviral but not specific for SARS-COV-2. Furthermore, it's generally reserved for patients with moderate-to-severe disease in a hospital setting.

The recommendations your doctor gave you are spot on. Pulse Ox is helpful but not necessary. Really, what is the point of checking your pulse ox, if you are not SOB. If you develop SOB, then a pulse ox may be helpful. Are you really going to stay home if you're very SOB regardless of a pulse ox reading? Hell, I've seen patients with pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, etc., with a normal pulse ox and reported subjective SOB.
I understand your point. It's being treated like any other virus. Which many people seem to agree, it's just like the cold or flu for the majority of people. Neither of those are treated with anti viral medications, even though the flu can be deadly to a certain population.

Is ivermectin effective? I don't know but, I hope it is. I want something found that can bring normalcy back to our lives.

There is Tamiflu and a couple of other antiviral meds to treat the flu virus itself, not just the symptoms. My wife was prescribed one of the other ones whose name escapes me right now back in February of 2020 when she got the Flu B. It worked way better than just treating the symptoms alone.

Over the last 18 months of the world dealing with this virus, some really smart doctors figured out highly effective ways to treat this disease. Those treatments include some of the drugs we are discussing in this thread, such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin (human drug, not horse drug), azythromiacine, doxycycline, Nebulized albuterol…. They work and keep most people out of the hospital and get them back on their feet quickly. I watched it work on my wife in less than 24 hours after she started taking the prescribed drugs. It was absolutely amazing and frustrating at the same time to see, knowing what the CDC is recommending and how many of the doctors out there are blindly following those recommendations.