Who else has caught the Rona?


Sep 29, 2012
Continue to see younger patients with fewer comorbidities. And people who have been prescribed Ivermectin. Very few hospitalized patients have the vaccine.

The tragic stories continue but at this point we have all become hardened to it. I don't care whether people are vaccinated or not but it sucks when they are hospitalized with Covid and continue to rail against the commies in charge and deny they have a Covid infection. The latest one is that the vaccine(commie vaccine) is what is actually spreading the infection and infecting people. Delusional. Like, where would you even get that idea at? Is there a central gathering spot for Covid conspiracies or something?
Some people are just dumb and will believe anything that supports their world view.

There is a guy on another hunting site who is pretending to be and MD who suggested that the vaccinated have 250x the viral load of the unvaccinated and that the vaccines are causing variants which are driving the fall COVID surge. Luckily there is also a legitimate expert in the field who is a long time poster who has explained how that fellow is incorrect on all counts. I am just amazed that someone would be so willing to post misinformation as indisputable fact.


Feb 1, 2017
Friend of ours, late 60’s, unvaxxed, was hospitalized a month ago and passed away a few days ago. His wife caught it 3 days after he got it and she said became entirely fatigued for a week thereafter. They had ivermectin at the ready but between his presumed minor cold, and herself becoming greatly fatigued rather quickly, they did not deploy any. By the time they realized the seriousness of things it was too late. She is now doing the dirty work of tying up the loose ends. Say a prayer for her. Another woman 48 yo in the same area (relatively remote) got sick on Monday and died Friday of that week from COVID. She WAS vaxxed.
You just never know.
I will remain unvaxxed. Ivermectin and other remedies at hand in case. Man will not determine my future. I leave that for my Lord. I walk unafraid with Him.
I am convinced that ‘they’ don’t care a wit about you/us. They outright proved this by flooding our country with unvaxxed foreigners without apology. They transported tens of thousands of unvetted other foreign individuals also unvaxxed and from a country ingrained with violence amongst them into the heart of America with no say by our citizens.
They have proved to me in so many ways they don’t really care about US citizens.


Sep 29, 2012
A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."

The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."

To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."

To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"

To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"


Dec 18, 2016
Montana —-> AZ
I just came down to Portland,Or. to help out an ICU down here for a couple weeks, and it’s some pretty crazy shit. I thought we had it bad in Alaska (and we do), but it’s nothing like this place. 25 people have died in the last 4 weeks in this unit alone, and there’s no end in sight. Pretty much everyone that I’m seeing that are getting sick enough to end up in an ICU, and die, are unvaccinated. No politics here, just my observations. A couple days ago I went and visited my 82 year old father in southern Oregon, and he absolutely refuses to get vaccinated or comply with any thing that our “left wing communist government” tries to mandate. I can’t say that I disagree with many of his beliefs, and I feel like he’s probably one of the most intelligent people I know, but I do believe he’s wrong in this case. Fingers crossed that my pop is making the right decisions. Here’s a picture of his front door.


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I agree. I even think the vaccines are kind of sketchy. I know atleast 5 people that have had bad reactions to it including my wife (who is 1 month away from being a doctor and also knows of multiple adverse reactions).
However, for someone that is 82 years old, the vaccine is many, many orders of magnitude safer than getting a severe case of covid. I completely understand why 20 year olds are hesitant to get vaccinated and don’t blame them one bit if they don’t. I also understand why anybody with strong antibodies would choose not to, but elderly, obese, diabetic etc are making the wrong choice if they don’t - in my opinion.


Jun 27, 2021
It's the Broadbrush vaccine mandate that REALLY rubs me the wrong way.
I've heard none of the talking heads speak one word about those of us
who have already had the Covid and the benefit of Natural Antibodies.
They just totally ignore it and bark out "get vaccinated" to everybody.
Really ruins any credibility they might have had otherwise.
They say follow the science, but they only follow their science.


Dec 18, 2016
Montana —-> AZ
It's the Broadbrush vaccine mandate that REALLY rubs me the wrong way.
I've heard none of the talking heads speak one word about those of us
who have already had the Covid and the benefit of Natural Antibodies.
They just totally ignore it and bark out "get vaccinated" to everybody.
Really ruins any credibility they might have had otherwise.
They say follow the science, but they only follow their science.
And it’s the only disease/vaccine we do that with. To work where my wife does, you have to have IMMUNITY to a long list of diseases. Pre employment you get your titers drawn. If you have low readings for a specific disease, you get re vaccinated then get them drawn again. She had to do this with MMR, despite having been vaccinated. They don’t care if you’ve had measles or the vaccine. They only care that you have immunity to measles.
For covid, they don’t care what your antibody test says. They don’t care that you’ve had covid. They don’t care that you caught covid at work because they failed at providing you with proper PPE while you were working in the covid ICU 6 days a week. They only care that you get vaccinated.


May 7, 2019
Continue to see younger patients with fewer comorbidities. And people who have been prescribed Ivermectin. Very few hospitalized patients have the vaccine.

The tragic stories continue but at this point we have all become hardened to it. I don't care whether people are vaccinated or not but it sucks when they are hospitalized with Covid and continue to rail against the commies in charge and deny they have a Covid infection. The latest one is that the vaccine(commie vaccine) is what is actually spreading the infection and infecting people. Delusional. Like, where would you even get that idea at? Is there a central gathering spot for Covid conspiracies or something?
I haven’t heard that the vaccine itself is spreading the virus… are you sure they didn’t mean that the vaccinated could be unknowingly spreading the virus? Those vaccinated that are carrying the virus but are asymptomatic are part of the problem. They believe they don’t have to wear masks or get tested after being exposed to the virus.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
They say follow the science, but they only follow their science

This is all science. Science has no bias, scientists do.

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Nov 27, 2013
Face it, the libs are in charge, and the world is turning into one big crap hole. I'm sorry, I can't even talk to them any longer it's getting so bad. Guys I used to respect, I can't stomach to read their BS, nor have a normal conversation any longer.

So I'm in our neighboring country to the north right now, just got over Covid, 3 weeks ago, have a PCR test showing the positive, and the negative, and have to quarantine because I'm not "Vaxed" Tell me why? Give me one good reason why? Customs guy says "You're good for 180 days" but "technically, you have to quarantine".

Get vaxed, get vaxed, it's the only way you get your freedom........... Oh, you're vaxed? Please wear a mask? Why? Because you can, and are, still spreading! Well why did I get vaxed? To protect others even though you can still carry and spread.

I applaud Norway, if what I'm reading is true. It's time to accept this crap for what it is.


Aug 15, 2013
Face it, the libs are in charge, and the world is turning into one big crap hole.
My life is pretty damn good and, regardless of who is in charge, is pretty much the same day to day. Perhaps it's your perspective on life that is going into the crap hole?

At a glance, Covid seems to have really divided this country. Really, it was just the perfect breeding ground for social media to divide us even more. I wish people could get vaccinated against Facebook.


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
My wife, an elementary teacher caught it while I was gone for 14 days hunting elk in CO. Mostly a head cold with a sore throat and stopped up nose, etc. Very light fever, no coughing.

Got Regeneron antibody treatment on Day 4 and all was/is well. I returned home two days before her quarantine was over and no symptoms for me.

Another example of "I had to get tested to even know I had it", but let's shut down society and limit freedoms based on vax status with no concern over natural antibodies.
Nov 27, 2013
My life is pretty damn good and, regardless of who is in charge, is pretty much the same day to day. Perhaps it's your perspective on life that is going into the crap hole?

At a glance, Covid seems to have really divided this country. Really, it was just the perfect breeding ground for social media to divide us even more. I wish people could get vaccinated against Facebook.
My life is pretty dang good as well, but there is no denying that Covid has put the brakes on alot of things. As a guy who used to travel internationally dang near weekly to work in my designated region, that hasn't happened for almost 18-19 months. I see sheep in the street, all alone in a park, wearing masks, gloves........... Sad


May 31, 2017
I haven’t heard that the vaccine itself is spreading the virus… are you sure they didn’t mean that the vaccinated could be unknowingly spreading the virus? Those vaccinated that are carrying the virus but are asymptomatic are part of the problem. They believe they don’t have to wear masks or get tested after being exposed to the virus.
No. That's not what they meant.

We have had numerous patients, sick enough to be borderline ICU or end up transferring, deny Covid even exists. They insist we are doing this for the money and lying to them about why they are in the hospital. Treat staff horrible and live in some fantasy world. Oh, well.

I admit people all the time willing to put a cocktail of random hearsay supplements in their body but won't get vaccinated. "It was working great until now." 😡 Their choice. All I ask is if you end up in the hospital to treat staff with some respect. Treating some 19 year old patient care tech like shit is really lame, no matter why you are there.


Feb 1, 2017
A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."

The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."

To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."

To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven.
The end.

There. Fixed your story to end at your most important moral in the story.
Everyone dies. It’s what happens for eternity after you die that counts.
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2021
My life is pretty damn good and, regardless of who is in charge, is pretty much the same day to day. Perhaps it's your perspective on life that is going into the crap hole?

At a glance, Covid seems to have really divided this country. Really, it was just the perfect breeding ground for social media to divide us even more. I wish people could get vaccinated against Facebook.
You must pretty fortunate, count your blessings. Inflation is going crazy. Extremely difficult to source parts for equipment - anything with a chip has a long lead time. This is really hurting a lot of businesses that rely on selling equipment and service contracts that go with the equipment. Gas costs have more than doubled in the last 9 months. A lot of people who owned small businesses went completely out of business and lost most of what they had built up - all because of government "shut downs". Raw material shortages are happening daily and if you can find raws, prices are going way up. I'm an optimist in general. I'm a business owner (partner) of an essential business, and fortunately for us we haven't missed a beat other than struggling to find parts we need. But I see what a lot of other people are dealing with, and I feel for them. Its a complete $hitshow in a lot of ways. Much of this is self inflicted by the moron we have occupying the white house. We were positioned to come out of this and get back to some form of normal life again back in January. But that all go derailed.


Feb 28, 2021
To put things in more perspective:

In March 2020 - the message was "flatten the curve", stay home for 2 weeks. Wash your hands and this will go away by July.

October 2021 - Even with vaccines and a 99.98% survival rate - the FBI has the authority to go after parents attending school board meetings if they say anything the board doesn't like. Illegals are flooding the border - no vaccine required. Businesses over 100 employees are required to have all employees vaccinated. And there's a government proposal on the table that the IRS will have direct visible access to look at your bank accounts if you have more than $600 in them. Freedom is pretty much getting flushed down the toilet.

Yep, things are just dandy. Wonder where we will be in 12 more months....


Aug 15, 2013
You must pretty fortunate, count your blessings. Inflation is going crazy. Extremely difficult to source parts for equipment - anything with a chip has a long lead time. This is really hurting a lot of businesses that rely on selling equipment and service contracts that go with the equipment. Gas costs have more than doubled in the last 9 months. A lot of people who owned small businesses went completely out of business and lost most of what they had built up - all because of government "shut downs". Raw material shortages are happening daily and if you can find raws, prices are going way up. I'm an optimist in general. I'm a business owner (partner) of an essential business, and fortunately for us we haven't missed a beat other than struggling to find parts we need. But I see what a lot of other people are dealing with, and I feel for them. Its a complete $hitshow in a lot of ways. Much of this is self inflicted by the moron we have occupying the white house. We were positioned to come out of this and get back to some form of normal life again back in January. But that all go derailed.
I don't disagree with most of what you said. I guess my point was that I feel damn lucky to be born in this country regardless of which party is in power. Being born in America means you pretty much won the lottery the day you were conceived. Could it be better? Sure. Is our current leader competent? Absolutely not, and neither was the last. Both parties weaponized this pandemic and hurt a lot of people in the process. At least around here, though, if you are willing to work, you could head out today to do some looking and wake up tomorrow headed to a dang good paying job.


Sep 27, 2021
I had it earlier this year, it didn't affect me too much, just a fever and felt pretty crappy for ab a week, however i did get a strange itchy rash right before i got over it, that was the worst part. im 26 and in good shape so maybe that's why it wasn't that bad? Either way i'm back 100% and getting ready to head out to colorado to hopefully punch my elk tag in unit 65, 2nd rifle season!


Jun 27, 2021
The precedent that mandatory vaccines set is even more horrifying.
To continue working here you must: have a vasectomy,
tubes tied, hormone therapy, take estrogen due to your testosterone
being too high, donate an organ ,,etc....
I used to worry we were turning in to Europe.
Seems like we're turning in to China lately.