Whitetail Nebraska Hunt with the Averys and J-squared

So just a little back story on this buck...

Last year we had him on camera all summer and some of September before he seemingly vanished. It wasn't until this August that we finally got a picture of him again. Larger and just a dang cool deer.. biggest that's ever come off our place. We sat up near the trail cam one evening after we got the photo and took some video of him in velvet. After that evening we had never seen him again until yesterday morning with Ryan and Tanya. We was on a doe and ventured off before we could get a shot. This morning he came back out with the same doe and Tanya smacked him! Such a cool deer with a couple years of history with (little) Jordan and I. So great to see him going home with such a great crew.

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Oh I will never be as good as ‘The Legend’ @robby denning , but I do the best I can ;)
You keep shooting bucks like that and ryan is gonna have to be a "house husband" 🤣🤣
P.s its ok Ryan my wife shot a nicer buck than me on saturday. I'm pretty sure she went out of her way to make sure she did so too. I spent all day sunday trying to figure out how to turn the vacuum on 🤣