Which to choose? 15x binos or spotter?

IMO they’re best in the half to 2 mile range for finding animals (not judging). I rarely take a spotter over 15’s for elk. Nobody is arguing that a spotter can’t see further/more detail. However, I can glass with my 15’s all day. I can’t do the same with a spotter. Maybe Deadfall can
So the next question is what 15x. I know everyone is going to say SLC but I want to hear what others have to say about different brands
The SLCs are top of the heap. But it’s not a massive difference. I’ve also looked through the mavens and conquests. Seems like the razor HD, meopta, maven, conquest are all pretty close..going to be subtle differences between them. I wouldn’t personally go to the next price point down. If it’s a one and done trip grab some off the classifieds and resell after the trip.
The SLCs are top of the heap. But it’s not a massive difference. I’ve also looked through the mavens and conquests. Seems like the razor HD, meopta, maven, conquest are all pretty close..going to be subtle differences between them. I wouldn’t personally go to the next price point down. If it’s a one and done trip grab some off the classifieds and resell after the trip.
That’s kinda what I was thinking. It’s not a one and done trip so if I really am enjoying them it will be a easy one to keep
Normally i would say 15's all day....but will say a 15-45 spotter is more versatile. It also has higher X's which come in really handy a lot more than I expected. The one thing that no one seems to mention is if you can leave both eyes open when using a spotter it is no more "fatiguing" than using binos to me. It can take just a little bit to do it, but it works really well. Glassing with the spotter then becomes a non issue.

As for 15's...I have the Sig Zulu 9's. I haven't found a reason to dislike them yet....
Hey everyone I am torn which to chose when it comes to glass, I’ve researched a bunch and still can’t decide with all the information out there. Current setup is zeiss conquest HD 10x42s with a aziak tripod and tricer head. I like all of those but I have a pretty big trip coming up soon where I’ll be glassing lots and don’t know if a spotter is the right choice or 15x binos. I have never used a spotter before or more than 10x binos. Weight is important to me because it will be a lot of hiking. Let me know your thoughts on which to chose and brands.
It could save you alot of hiking if you had a spotter, 65mil swarovski is the ticket , imho.
15x is for finding game, spotter is for evaluating. If you aren’t worried about trophy size go with 15x, also could be terrain/species dependent.

and to confuse things even more….I just swapped out my excellent 15x Meoptas after comparing them to the 18x Vortex UHDs in the Arizona desert Last year.

I almost never use a spotter.
FWIW, my meoptas had a better image than a Vortex Diamondback 80mm spotter at a mile out.
I love my 15x meoptas.
For spotters I've had vortex razors in 50 and 82mm, and an Athlon ares g2 65mm. Compared to my 15s I don’t see much more detail, just a bigger image. I need to try an alpha spotter.

Time behind the 15s is much more enjoyable. I get tired of one eying behind a spotter pretty quick. I could spend all day with the 15s on a tripod.
So I made the 2 hour trip to Euro optics today. The 12x56 SLC is VERY nice but I think I will run into areas where I need a little more power. The BTX with the 65mm obj was good but I think it will need the 85 or bigger obj to make it great (a lot more money). The STS HD 65mm is a step up from my old non HD 65mm STS but not a lot. I looked at the 85mm Gavia and It is very nice. I just don't remember if it lost a lot of resolution when I turned the power up. I think a good bit better than the Swaro 65mm (maybe this is not a far comparison). So then I looked at the KOWA TSN88A (they didn't have the 66 or 77)and wow was this thing amazing! AT 60x it was super sharp and just a little darker than the lower powers but just amazing. I have never looked at 85mm spotting scopes before but I thing Deadfall is right on with a 85mm spotter. I think I may go with a TSN88A and deal with the extra weight. BTW, I looked at the NL pure and they are amazing also.
I carried 18x56’s this year in addition to my 10x42’s. For deer the 18’s were more than enough for picking up deer in the open country and judging size within about 600 yards. The only way I think I’d go back to a spotter now, would be if I drew a sheep tag and really wanted to judge an animal from an extreme distance.

If you’re richer than me and can go the BTX route, that might be worth a look.
Not true, depends on the glass.

On one hunt, My 15x Meoptas had a better image than a $650./ 80mm scope on a buck at 1.5 miles away
well...I don't even know what to say to that.

That comparison is like wondering how in the world a dodge charger beat the prius on drag race......

There is no good 650 dollar glass in a spotter. Decent at best.

To each thier own I recon. You live 15s use em... God speed brother
I’m not trying to be a dick…but the comment was an 80mm scope is better.

Just saying; I had my 15x Meoptas side by side with an 85mm Vortex Diamondback looking at a 200” plus bedded muley at a mile plus and the difference in resolution was shocking.

The 85mm let in more light but the resolution in that big scope is poor. Those are maybe good for a guy checking whitetails at 600y, but thats about it.

I didn’t post the image as it was a crummy day with lots of other factors that made it look bad…sometimes even great glass can’t make up for that.
I’m not trying to be a dick…but the comment was an 80mm scope is better.

Just saying; I had my 15x Meoptas side by side with an 85mm Vortex Diamondback looking at a 200” plus bedded muley at a mile plus and the difference in resolution was shocking.

The 85mm let in more light but the resolution in that big scope is poor. Those are maybe good for a guy checking whitetails at 600y, but thats about it.

I didn’t post the image as it was a crummy day with lots of other factors that made it look bad…sometimes even great glass can’t make up for that.
I felt the same comparing 15x meoptas to a first gen razor 85. Obviously the image was bigger through the razor, but there wasn’t any more data. Similar effect to a digital zoom.