Which spotting scope should I buy from this list (lowest prices found listed)

I recently purchased a Kowa TSN-773 with the 20x60 eyepiece for $1700 on Ebay. You should look there for used Kowas, if you haven't already.
What is the deal with the Japan Kowa spotters eBay has listed? Is there a risk of fakes on these? I would like to find a 774 and this looks like the only spot I can really find them.
What is the deal with the Japan Kowa spotters eBay has listed? Is there a risk of fakes on these? I would like to find a 774 and this looks like the only spot I can really find them.
I think there’s no risk of that. I’ve bought a few from Japanese sellers and they’ve been great.
Why no option from Leupold?
I also wondered this. I paid like 699 for my SX-4 last summer. It’s a straight eye piece which I myself love. I find it way easier to use.

I have always known Leupold optics to be tough. Not saying others aren’t just as durable, but I’ve seen a rifle with one of their scopes fall scope first onto a rock and shoot a whitetail not ten minutes later. My spotter mentioned also took a good snack off a rock the first time I used it. Still works like new.
Either the swaro or the kowa (but size up on the kowa), I recently switched out the TSN-554 for the swaro sts 20-60 due to wanting more magnification. Don't get me wrong the TSN-553 you have listed is a great spotting scope but if you're glassing far you'll find yourself wanting more magnification.