Which Shotgun for all things, upland, waterfowl, and clay pigeon?

I’ve been very happy with my Remington Versamax.

shoots everything from low brass 2-3/4” to 3.5” magnum turkey/predator loads without issues. Have used it for everything from clay pigeon shooting and pheasant hunting to turkey hunting and even predator hunting and never felt like I wanted a different or better scatter gun.
I have owned a beretta a400 xtreme for a few years, awesome gun, hunt everything with it, ducks, geese, grouse, turkeys you name it, it always does the job, shoot clays very well too
I was dead set on the m2 until my best friend got a SBE3 and issues with the springs due to rust. He dropped it one duck hunting and it didnt function the same despite a cleaning until he went to ss springs many weeks later. For that reason I went with a A300 last spring. No complaints from dove season and duck season. Shoots everything I throw in it. That being said I haven't patterned it yet but the slower Kent duck loads patterned best out of my last 3 12 gauges patterned so I gravitate towards those. From what I have read the factory Beretta chokes are hard to beat so I hope that holds true in my future patterning tests. That is just my 2 cents, see if you can shoot both.
I get by with a 20 ga Red Label, for everything......










I was scrolling down waiting for the ostrich photo!
I have had a Benelli m2 for several years now, I hunt pheasants, squirrel, duck, geese, rabbit, and dove with it. I would like to get after quail and chuckar in the comming years, but you could do much worse than a m2 field.
If you aren’t stuck on them two brands specifically I would give Franchi a chance. I have one and it shoulders very well and won’t break the bank. And was influenced by Benelli
The Remington 870 Super Mag. Beyond reliable and is built to last you a lifetime! Also has a great warranty on it. Walmart is trying to get rid of their guns and selling the 870 SuperMag 28" for around $300.
Been really happy with Beretta A400 XTreme Plus so far. Cycles the lightest skeet loads all the way through 3.5" magnum waterfowl and turkey loads and has great recoil management. Stock is also adjustable for drop and LOP, dual beads, and receiver drilled for a rail if you want to run a red dot. I got mine under $1600 shipped, transferred, etc to my door.
Been really happy with Beretta A400 XTreme Plus so far. Cycles the lightest skeet loads all the way through 3.5" magnum waterfowl and turkey loads and has great recoil management. Stock is also adjustable for drop and LOP, dual beads, and receiver drilled for a rail if you want to run a red dot. I got mine under $1600 shipped, transferred, etc to my door.
I just picked one of those up for an upcoming snow goose hunt. Seems solid so far.

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I am trading my old Winchester SX3 today and will grab either a SBE3 or A400 Xtreme.

Both are solid choices!
870 is always a safe choice. I own 2 both reliable guns. I shot a beretta 3901 for years. Loved the gun but it had its issues in cold wet weather. 2 seasons in with my Winchester sx4 and I’ve been really impressed so far.
I have an SBE1 that’s never failed. Same with a 3” 870. Good luck with your purchase.
I started with an old Belgium made A5, then I went to a M1 Super 90, to a SBE2, then the Super Vinci, and finally on to a SBE3. I remember the initial launch SBE3's that shot high and right so I held off. Since then they seem to have corrected the issue with late model builds so I ended up in a new SBE3 with high hopes that the issue is gone.

Like many others have said, if you want a quality gun that won't break the bank (by modern pricing standards) I would look to the M2.

Been really happy with Beretta A400 XTreme Plus so far. Cycles the lightest skeet loads all the way through 3.5" magnum waterfowl and turkey loads and has great recoil management. Stock is also adjustable for drop and LOP, dual beads, and receiver drilled for a rail if you want to run a red dot. I got mine under $1600 shipped, transferred, etc to my door.

I wanted to take this gun home very badly this year but after handling it in stores and then shooting one at the clays field I just couldn't gel with the ergonomics. Coming from a long line of Benelli autos I think I am just spoiled on their narrower fore ends and handling characteristics. I put both the A400 Extreme Plus and SBE3 at the pinnacle of current waterfowl guns.
I wanted to take this gun home very badly this year but after handling it in stores and then shooting one at the clays field I just couldn't gel with the ergonomics. Coming from a long line of Benelli autos I think I am just spoiled on their narrower fore ends and handling characteristics. I put both the A400 Extreme Plus and SBE3 at the pinnacle of current waterfowl guns.
I liked the SBE3 too but 180'd on the ergonomics. I love my A400 so far. I came from a Winchester SX3 so I think I liked the thicker forend and grip. I also really like the oversized bolt, release and the safety position.
Still shooting an Extrema 2 with k/o. Been a solid gun and would certainly entertain an A400 Extreme Plus if I was in the market. Also run a Browning CX for pretty much everything not in a wet and muddy blind ( so really just upland and clays).