Which scope as a new host for the THLR reticle?

My “well over $0.02”.
Im all for flooding a manufacturer with requests, but I still think theres a whole lot of pie in the sky going on here that is worth considering. More people should listen to kurts86’s couple posts up there. My background is in product management and development as well, and I will only add that these scope companies are businesses and they cant afford a pet product that doesnt have legit legs—if it wont sell enough to recoup their investment and contribute to their bottom line and growth, they are better off not touching it. No company I’ve ever worked for would touch a big project like that without a complete business plan that was sustainable over the long term, had specific target customers and selling points, but also estimated market volumes based on actual
data, and you could make a very strong case they would provide a positive ROI relatively quickly…AND showed why THIS project is better than any of the other projects that are also inevitably in the pipeline. Some of those things exist here, some definitely do not. It’s one thing to do a special manufacturing run of an existing product (ie gap lrhs), its a totally different ballgame to build a new product and put it into production. If you are talking about revised mechanicals, a new magnification (“we want a 3-12 and you only offer 3-15”), etc thats a ground-up build more or less that requires new designs, tooling, production set ups, etc.. I think people are fooling themselves about getting anything resembling a custom scope if it doesn’t already fit 99% into an existing footprint of a product that already exists, or at the very least into a new product project that is already well-along in the process.

Even then Im still extremely skeptical of the actual demand. The reticle sounds really cool and I get all of the concepts, but I still doubt its the reticle for me. Not without trying it anyway, and I aint spending $1500 or $2k to dip my toe in the water. It’s a fantastic concept that makes perfect sense, but just looking at it it’s a really tough sell— look around, virtually no one on this forum was anything except highly skeptical of it at first, including Form. I also think its likely that as “scope x” solidifies into more than a hazy dream, lots of people like me find x or y specific feature (weight, reticle, size, etc) isn't what they’re looking for and it becomes a deal-breaker. Based on this Im skeptical of any project like it that doesnt fit into a very low-volume business model. You start talking about products involving five or eight different parts suppliers, manufacturing suppliers, small parts assembly and genuine measurable precision and durability requirements, and that doesn’t sound like a low volume business model to me.

i’ve heard some folks talk about a company that “is listening” with regard to durability tests, but no word on who that is or where that is going. If there is indeed a company already putting considerable effort into building a durable hunting scope, then it seems one of the primary targets for getting the reticle you all want should be that project. My suggestion would be to push them in the direction of offering more than one reticle because I think this THLR reticle will be a really hard sell to a lot of people—adding a good more “traditional” hunting reticle such as a 4 or 5 mil half-mil mildot with a .08mil center crosshair would address a lot of the skeptics and prevent the entire package from having too many “dealbreaker” features that address a narrow subset of their potential customers.
How about a Tenmile that is slightly smaller and lighter, they could call it the Fivemile!!
I agree, at first I thought credo but only if they have a ffp option. Since the mile already does that makes the most sense. 3-18x44, thlr reticle, ffp, sub $1500 MSRP and make the windage cap as slim as possible so we don't have ejection issues. Bingo
I agree, at first I thought credo but only if they have a ffp option. Since the mile already does that makes the most sense. 3-18x44, thlr reticle, ffp, sub $1500 MSRP and make the windage cap as slim as possible so we don't have ejection issues. Bingo
They have a 2-10x36 ffp credo that adjusts in mil
Sorry I am late to this, but I keep waiting on a scope with these specs. Would be happy to contact manufacturers, as I have in the past, and I would be in for 5.
It's an uphill climb for sure. My thoughts are to:

Find a company that already makes a reliable scope.

Pick one of their existing lines that fits the majority of what you want, and push for a reticle change only.

Add at least $500 to the price of the existing scope.

Find a wholesaler or two that would carry the message as well.

Be prepared to be rejected, have setbacks, and wait.

I'm in for helping, and buying one if/when they are available. But I have a lot less hunting years ahead of me than behind, and I can happily run this out with an ATACR.
The trijicon 3-18x44:
1) Is sufficiently indestructible for our purposes
2) Suffers no ill effects in eye box or otherwise from its 6x erector
3) Has a perfect zoom range for long range hunting
4) Has more than sufficient glass performance for twilight hunting
5) Is FFP

It simply needs a reticle.

It seems obvious to me that we should identify a point-person at Trijicon and bomb them with requests for the THLR reticle.

John Fink is their product manager for magnified optics. He seems like as fine a point to start as any. Given that most Trijicon email address conform to the format [firstInitial][lastName]@trijicon.com I believe his address is jfink@trijicon.com.

Here's some boilerplate text for you to modify for your outreach:

Thank you for the great work you've done in giving the hunting community a reliable scope in the Credo and Tenmile series.

For those of us who prize zero retention, Trijicon is in surprisingly rare company simply by virtue of making a scope which retains zero under field conditions. However, as with many FFP reticles, the current Trijicon offerings suffer at low magnification where many of us prefer to leave our scopes whilst stalking.

Please have a look at the strength of our Rokslide community [link to the optic reviews sub-forum here] and consider offering a purpose-built hunting reticle like the innovative THLR in your 3-18x44 Tenmile. You'd have a built-in customer and evangelist base in the thousands of western hunters who make up our ranks.

Thanks for your consideration,
That is a great way to approach a manufacturer
I do have an issue with that scope though, and the similar 4-18 LRHS, they are both just too long and awkward
i'd like to hear a story where the length of a scope cost someone a shot opportunity.

aside from the reticle, the erector travel in the 3-18 is perhaps not a deficiency, but certainly limited compared to the swfa's. depending on where you live/shoot, a 16" 6.5 creed with only 17.5 mils of total travel might require an angled mount (i.e. no sportsmatch or UM rings) for 900+ yard target practice.