Which optics brands are “alpha”?

Just my opinion:

In Scopes NF or ZCO is hard to beat for a complete package, theta both check many boxes imo. Both have top tier glass in good samples, great reliability, good turrets, rets fall short imo for hunting. TT is a great glass but grossly overpriced imo for what you get, I’m personally zco at that level, tt just never blow my skirt up for the money spent and I expected more than a primier/mp5 copy basically excluding turrets., which is definitely not the most important thing I’m after on a 5k optic. Also the older tech/design is getting long in tooth. Still a great glass regardless.

The new Kahles 328i may be my current favorite overall for the innovation, fov, size, glass and power range, but the ridiculous swaro patent leaves a bad taste and it’s hard for me personally to support that. As a side note, for me none of these scopes are magic, just tools for a job and the simpler the better imo.

Swaro, Leica, Zeiss imo unless you throw in the discontinued 7/10-50 Nikon WX, it trumps but the size/price makes it a no go and it’s discontinued so there’s that. Sill an incredible binocular.

Seems everyone has a great glass these days though, that maybe 1% difference may or may not be worth it, like in anything else, after a certain price, usually a reasonably amount, you’re not paying for product, you’re paying for name and history of the brand. Notice the huge mil discounts, they’re definitely not taking losses even at the heavy discounted prices.

So in that reguard any given product is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, until they don’t. Jeff from zco/nf and Frank have a good video/podcast on scopes, it’s worth the watch, especially regarding testing equipment and the marketing bs.

Again, just my opinion, nothing more, as with most. Get what you want if it’s possible, or you’ll always be left just chasing you tail.
