Which fixed scope on which rifle?

Feb 12, 2018
I have two scopes that I’ve used and found to be reliable, and I’d like to find a home for them on two rifles. I’m just not sure which scope to put on which rifle.

The two scopes are fixed power. A 10x40 Bushnell Elite Tactical and a 6x42 SWFA. The SWFA gives me more warm fuzzy feelings for durability, but the little Bushnell has given me no cause for complaint. The SWFA has an adjustable parallax and the Bushnell does not.

The two rifles are Howa minis. One is a 223 there will be primarily used small game/coyote hunting. It won’t be used for big game due to Colorado caliber restrictions. The other rifle is a 6mm ARC there’s going to to be one of my primary big game rifles.

Besides suggesting new scopes, what would you recommend?
Think I would put the SWFA 6x42 on the 6mm ARC. The 6x42mm Leupold is a great scope also. That is what is on my 6mm Remington which is a Ruger 1B. Love that rifle and scope combination.

I have had a couple of the Bushnells, and that model is no slouch from my experience. I wouldn't hesitate to put one on a hunting rifle as far as reliability is concerned.

Still, I'd echo what others have said. I'd like a 10x on the .223, not just for the range but for going after things like prairie dogs. If the .223 was purely a coyote gun I'd put the 6x on it, but otherwise the 10x can be a lot of fun.
Thanks for all the input. I should point out that I definitely plan to use the 223 for hunting. By saying it was gonna be used range I mostly meant that it’s gonna be the main thing I practice with.
Since both rifles are the same other than caliber I’d not think of the scopes as being permanent, but swap scopes back and forth as needed. I have half a dozen different fixed scopes and swap whichever makes the most sense, stop by the range for a few shots and it’s ready to hunt.
I’ll be the odd man out and say I’d put the 6x on the 223. 10x is fine for a big game rifle, but I would not prefer a fixed 10x on a coyote gun.
I’d put the 6x on the 6mm as others have said, and use it for everything including big game coyote and the range. Put the 10x on the 223 just to have a home for it and so it’s ready when you feel like shooting it. 6x fixed is super versatile as is 6mm. Perfect match.