Which is best fit?


Aug 30, 2023
I’m redoing some rifle and scope combos and can’t seem to decide on which scope to run on which rifle. Thoughts are appreciated.

Currently set up combos I’m running.
Whitetail and general hunting
18” Grendel AR Leupold 4x12x40
16” Grendel AR Leupold 3x9x40
18” Ruger 10/22 small game Vortex 2x7

Whitetail hiking hunts and possible camp/trail defense
12” Grendel AR Leupold 2x7x33

Small game and trail/camp defense
Ruger charger 22 Vortex 2x7

I Have 2 new scopes. Vortex crossfire 2 rimfire 2x7
And a Vortex diamondback HD 4x16x42

Been considering putting the rimfire 2x7 on charger vs standard 2x7 for better parallax.

Thinking of putting new Vortex Diamondback on 18” Grendel then moving the Leupold 4x12 to the 16” Grendel and either moving the Leupold 3x9 on either the 12” Grendel or the Ruger 10-22 could possibly swap out current 3x9 crossfire on my muzzleloader to the Leupold.

Only issue with putting the Leupold 3x9 on the Ruger 10 22 or 12” Grendel is 3x low power wouldn’t be as good I expect for trail / defensive use.
I’ve got other rifles that I can put 2x7’s or 3x9 on.

What do you think ?